Page 98 of The Wiseguy

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“My father hated me.”

“He hated that you took his place when it was no one’s fault but his own. However, you are not your father. Not in a single way.”

I nodded, realizing that I was more like my mother, although she had a good soul. Mine was black.

“I hope that one day you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me for not confiding in you.” Jean Baptiste moved closer, staring me directly in the eyes.

“It’s about forgiveness. And Jack Cormier is not my father. You are.”

As with every cloud and every rainstorm, there was always sunshine waiting for the dawn of a new day, a bright spot in dark skies allowing for hope and the prospect of a brighter future. As Jean Baptiste’s face lit up from what I’d said, relieving the tremendous guilt he’d felt, I noticed a rainbow in the distant sky.

It was a sign of forgiveness and encouragement sent from my mother.

And now, I was ready and eager to move into the future, embracing love for the first time in my life.

My heart was suddenly full.

Four months later…


I stood staring at my reflection in the mirror, turning from one side to the other, making faces as I’d done so often. The last few months had been a whirlwind of activity, including a breathtaking wedding at my father’s house. Between Raven, Delaney, and Edmee along with my grandmother, I’d had to do almost nothing to prepare for the incredible event.

I’d been searching for a new house, a bigger one like my darling husband had demanded we move into, followed by furniture purchases, and working with painters and other contractors to make our newly purchased estate a dream home. I hadn’t had time to think about anything else, including what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

When a little seed had been planted, I’d had a feeling my career would be placed on hold for a little while. A grin crossed my face at the thought.

Suddenly, a series of tickling sensations sent a wave of electricity all the way to my toes. As my sexy, rugged husband came into the room, he took my breath away, as always. This was a day off for him, which had surprised me given how busy my father’s company had gotten. Although I couldn’t really call it my father’s any longer. Even my uncle Louie had a vested interest in the corporation’s success, a gift from Arman for saving his life.

Maybe one day I’d shake things up and become the first female vice president. I bit my lip as my husband approached, his nostrils flaring as he took a deep breath. He was dressed more casually than I was used to in an open shirt untucked paired with the sexiest pair of tight-fitting jeans I’d ever seen.

I longed to brush my fingers against his muscular chest. When I turned sideways again, placing my hand on my stomach, I gave him a pouting look. “Does this dress make me look fat?” At three months pregnant, I was just starting to show.

The day I’d told him I was pregnant, he purchased cigars for every single male in the corporation. Every one of them. I’d chastised him playfully until he’d reminded me that he was very much in charge.

Just the way I liked it.

He wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. “I think you look perfect. I want to see you barefoot and pregnant for years to come,” Maddox said before issuing a dark growl.

“That’s very sexist of you.”

“Just being honest.”

I pulled away, giving him a pouting look. “Bad boy.”

He leaned against the dresser, folding his arms. “Speaking of bad. You are a very bad girl.”

I pointed at my chest, blinking several times. “I’m a very good girl. What are you talking about?”

He wagged his finger, issuing a tsking sound. “Nope. You’re hardheaded and stubborn, ignoring the rules.”

“What rules?”

“My rules, little lamb.”

“Oh, those.” I looked away, playfully sliding my hand between my breasts.

“Well, I think you need a hard spanking to remind you that I am in charge of this household.”
