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“Come on, Gold, we’re not leaving until you come out with us,” Charlotte declared, her tone brooking no argument.

With a sigh, I surrendered, wiping away the traces of tears from my cheeks before unlocking the door. Charlotte’s eyes softened as she took in my disheveled appearance.

“We’ve missed you,” Claire said gently, wrapping her arms around me in a warm hug. In a short tight dress and an oversized denim jacket, she appeared, as she always did, ready for a party. She was the most energetic of us all and, in Charlotte's opinion, the most childish. She had short blonde hair, freckles on her face that gave her a cute charm, and a petite figure. Despite her small size, she did have large breasts that often left Charlotte and I envious. She could be overly optimistic but her energy often balanced us out, countering Charlotte's serious attitude.

Charlotte joined in, adding, “Yeah, we’re not going to let you mope around forever. It’s time to get out and have some fun.” I found the statement shocking since Claire was often the party freak of our group while Charlotte was the busy, withdrawn one.

Reluctantly, I allowed them to lead me away from the confines of my apartment. Claire suggested going to a club, which was the last thing I wanted. I thought being in a crowded, noisy place would only amplify my anxiety. But Charlotte concurred and I knew she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“Okay, fine,” I answered flatly.

“Perfect!” Claire’s face glittered. “I know just the one. There’s this new place Ben and I recently discovered. Well, it was actually my friend Jasmine who took us there, but anyway, it’s really fun.”

“Hear that, Gold? It’s really fun!” Charlotte said with a hint of sarcasm. “What’s the name of the place?”

“Sinner’s Paradise by—you know what? I’ll text you girls the address.”

Claire left us to pick up her boyfriend, Ben. Charlotte stayed by my side, determined to see this through. She picked out a dress for me, did my hair, and we set off. We arrived at the location to find Claire and Ben already waiting for us. Itwas a fairly quiet corner on K Street with a staircase that led down to some basement. We were led down to the basement and suddenly thrust into a world of loud electronic music and bright kaleidoscopic lights.

Claire introduced us to her friend, Jasmine, a lively and free-spirited soul, who had an aura of confidence I slightly envied. Jasmine’s boyfriend, who went by the nickname Akira, had heavy tattoos and piercings that gave him an intimidating exterior, but when he spoke, he surprised us with his warm and friendly demeanor. The duo was an interesting pair, unique in their own way.

The vibrant lights and pulsing music were overwhelming. I felt like an outsider in my own skin, but Charlotte kept me grounded, holding my hand as she guided me through the maze of people.

As the night wore on, I found myself opening up to this newfound group of people, thanks to Charlotte’s unwavering support. Slowly, the weight on my chest seemed to lighten ever so slightly.

“Hey, Audrey. Here you go.” Claire handed me a shot of some cocktail.

“Wait, Audrey, don’t—” Before Charlotte could finish, I had already downed the drink.

“What was in that?” Charlotte asked Claire in a severe tone.

“I don’t know, but Akira makes a mean cocktail. I mean, look at her,” Claire cheered me on.

The thumping music and the hypnotic lights gradually drew me into a trance, making me forget, if only for a moment, about the constant loop of self-doubt in my mind.

“Fine, but don’t give her too much, okay?” I heard Charlotte say to Claire.

“You got it.” Claire dragged me onto the dance floor then, her infectious energy infusing life into my weary soul. Charlotte followed closely behind.

In the midst of flashing lights and swirling bodies, I lost myself, the cares of the world momentarily fading away. The rhythmic pulse of the club’s music enveloped me, drowning out my worries and despair. My body moved to the beat, guided by the hypnotic lights that painted the dance floor with ever-changing colors.

I glanced over and spotted Claire and Ben, laughing and dancing together. They were caught up in their own world, grinding and stealing kisses in the sea of moving bodies. They looked happy, carefree, like Jeremy and I once had. A part of me hoped that maybe, just maybe, I could find that spark again too.

Charlotte, on the other hand, was already flirting with a cute guy, her infectious laughter intermingling with the music.

Feeling thirsty, I made my way to the bar, the air thick with the scent of sweat and perfume. It was there that I noticed him walk in—a handsome man with a cold and dark aura around him. He was strikingly tall, standing at a height of over six feet, with a sinewy build and broad shoulders.

Trying not to stare, I sat down and took to stealing glances at him as I sipped my cocktail. There was something about him that entranced me. He was dressed in a tucked-in, buttoned-up white shirt with a stylish black vest over it and black pants. His dark hair was slicked back and a medium stubble beard lined his chiseled jawline. He stood at the other end of the small bar, leaning on the granite countertop with a hand tucked into his pocket. He seemed bored as his deep-set eyes roamed the club listlessly, as though in search of something, anything at all to save him from the weariness that seemed to haunt him. The tattoos on his free hand caught my eye and further intrigued me, hinting at a mysterious past.

Our eyes met, and in that brief moment, the world seemed to stand still. It was as if we were speaking a silent language, communicating through our intense gazes. His eyes changed, now holding a depth of desire and longing that resonated with something deep inside me.

Before I could fully process what was happening, a group of young girls flanked him and tried to lure him onto the dance floor. He refused their advances, his eyes never leaving mine, and then without a word, he vanished into the rocking crowd. My heart raced as I stood there in shock, trying to comprehend the intensity of our brief connection.

Jasmine approached me, her eyes filled with concern. “Hey, Audrey, are you alright?” she asked, her voice barely audible above the pulsing music.

I nodded, still feeling dazed from the encounter. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just got lost in the moment, I guess,” I replied, trying to dismiss the unexplained attraction I felt toward that mysterious man.

Returning to the dance floor, I shuffled through the crowd, my body moving in harmony with the pulsating beats. In the midst of the flashing lights and bodies swaying, I felt a firm but gentle touch on my shoulder. Turning around, I found the mysterious man behind me, his presence both electrifying and intimidating.
