Page 52 of Impromptu Match

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He lifted his hips, and it took him a few seconds to get his ultra-tight jeans down enough for his balls to pop free. I stared at them in shock. They were copper-coloured, just like the head of his dick. I could see that the same dull metallic skin tone continued onto his inner thighs, but it blended into his usual grey along the crease of his groin.

On the seam of his sac was a metal barbell. My belly clenched with arousal when I traced it with a fingertip.

“I like it.” I looked up at him with a frown. “And your balls are totally symmetrical.”

“I mean, yeah, they might be when I’m lying down, but look.”

He scooted up, then stood from the couch and tugged his pants down a little more before widening his stance so I could clearly see his sac hanging between his legs. Weak morning light from the window behind him framed them like some weirdly erotic halo.

“See?” He gestured dramatically at his balls. “I’m cursed with a lopsided nutsack. I thought the piercing might even them up a bit, but it just made it more obvious.”

“They’re fine, Holt.” I cocked my head, eyeing them. The right one did definitely hang lower than the left, but I liked it. Well, I mean, usually I’d have no opinions on it, but because they were Holt’s balls, I really liked it.

“You’re just being nice.” He bent over to examine the inside of the back of his pants. “Fuck, they’ve split all the way up the ass crack.”

I snorted, standing up and tucking my junk back into my sweats. “Want to borrow some pants? And maybe a T-shirt?”

He straightened and grinned at me. “Yeah. If that’s okay.”

“Sure.” I smiled back and padded around the couch to grab him some clothes from my bedroom.

I heard Holt choke on a breath, and in a rush, I remembered the words written across my butt. Body going hot with embarrassment, I covered my ass cheeks with my hands and spun around to stare at him.

He was already waddling around the couch, trying to tug his tight pants back up. “Oh my god, those are amazing. I want those. Can I borrow those?”

“Oh, um, I…” I fiddled with the waistband, my cheeks flushing hotter. “There’s kind of, um, cum smeared on the inside of them now—”

“You think that makes me not want to wear them?” Holt reached me and grasped my hips to spin me back around so he could stare at the cursive Open for Business scrawled across my ass. I heard him purr as he covered my backside with both hands and squeezed. “Taylor, you’re such a little minx.”

I laughed nervously and looked back at him over my shoulder. “You want to borrow these?”

“Can I?” He gazed at me imploringly. “I’m definitely gonna jerk off in them later. Just so we’re clear.”

My belly lurched with arousal as I squeaked, “Th-that’s fine. Um, okay, let me go get you a T-shirt and some new pants for myself.”

Holt followed me into the bedroom, still clutching the waistband around the tops of his thighs. He sat down on my unmade bed and tugged off his boots while I grabbed a T-shirt for him and a clean—unadorned—pair of sweats for me to change into.

It took both of us to wrestle the tight jeans off his legs. We were panting by the time I finally yanked them over his feet, Holt leaning back on the bed on his elbows. I took a few moments to stare in awe at his long, lean legs. They were copper-coloured just like his balls. It was kind of beautiful.

Standing up, I shucked off my sweats with a sheepish smile and handed them over as he lounged back with his legs akimbo and his gaze hot as it trailed down my body. Resisting the urge to cup my junk as I stood there in nothing but a T-shirt, I grabbed the clean sweats and tugged them on.

“I knew your balls would be fucking flawless,” Holt rasped as he pulled the sweats up his legs and stood. He stripped off his soiled T-shirt and put on the plain black one I’d given him. It was a little baggy on him, but he still looked amazing. The sight of him in my clothes, his face still soft and relaxed post-orgasm and the back of his hair a little matted from rubbing against the couch, made my chest grow kind of tight.

“Do you have to go?” I asked hesitantly. I didn’t want him to. “Seb’s waiting, right?”

Holt made a face. “He’s doing a crossword in the car, but… I probably shouldn’t make him wait much longer. Do you wanna eat your breakfast?”

“Okay,” I said quickly, because it meant he’d stay a bit longer.

Holt crossed the short distance between us and, after a pause, wrapped his arms around my neck. “Are you sure you’re okay, Taylor? Is there anything you wanna ask me? About, you know… all the stuff?”

I shook my head, settling my hands on his sides. “I promise I’m okay. I can’t think of anything I wanna ask right now, but I’m sure I’ll have questions. If that’s okay.”

He gazed at me for a second, eyes softening, then nodded. “Of course.”

My breath caught when he pulled me into a hug. A shiver rolled down my spine, and I wrapped my arms around him tight and buried my face in his neck, my eyes sliding shut. I couldn’t even remember the last time someone had hugged me.

In fact, I was pretty sure it had been Sage as Marcus had been climbing into his car after packing up all his stuff on the day he moved out. Sage had said my energy had been “totally chill,” thanked me for the herbal tea, and pulled me into a hug that had been surprisingly comforting even though he was the man Marcus had left me for.
