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Esmeralda sighed, her gaze unwavering. "It's a choice, Evelyn, but the consequences are dire. Without the ritual, the coven will wither away, and the magical balance that sustains us will be lost. It's a sacrifice for the greater good."

Selene spoke gently, "Your mother's choice to protect you was an act of love, but completing the ritual is an act of preservation. The coven needs you, Evelyn, and in turn, you'll find your place within this legacy."

I mulled over their words, grappling with the weight of the decision before me. The coven, my lineage, the impending responsibility – it all swirled in a complex tapestry of destiny.

Gratitude and uncertainty battled within me as I left the coven, their words echoing in my mind. Selene and Esmeralda had granted me the freedom to choose, understanding the weight of the decision that lay ahead. The night air was cool as they escorted me back to Alexei’s place and a silent understanding lingered between us.

"Take all the time you need, Evelyn," Selene assured, her eyes holding a depth of understanding. "This is your journey, and we'll be here when you're ready."

Esmeralda nodded, her expression warm and reassuring. "You're always welcome, dear. The coven is your sanctuary, and it will be waiting foryou whenever you decide."

As they left me at my doorstep, Selene offered one last piece of advice, "No harm will befall you, Evelyn. You're under our protection now, and your choice will be respected."

The door closed behind me, and I found myself alone, surrounded by the ordinary sights of the room I was staying in. The choice before me was profound, a decision that could reshape the course of my life. I paced through the rooms, the weight of the pendant around my neck a constant reminder of the coven's call.



Islowly opened my eyes, greeted by a throbbing headache that pulsed through my skull. My surroundings gradually became focused, revealing that I was bound, unable to move freely. Panic surged through me as I tried to recall how I had ended up in this predicament.

I remembered leaving home after Anastasia called me and driving up to the Elm’s Palace to meet her captors. Everything from that point had become blurry. Now I was hanging in the middle of a room I didn’t recognize and my body was too weak to even fight back.

I tried to talk but my throat was so parched that I couldn’t force the words out. I tugged at the chains. I tried extracting my claws and for the first time in over three centuries, I couldn’t. Fear coursed throughme at the thought that the only thing that mattered to me might not be here after all. It had been a trap.

“Look who is finally awake,” someone cackled and I looked up slowly towards the all too-familiar voice.

Before me, the Vampire Council members loomed like dark specters, their eyes glinting with amusement and mockery. My muscles ached, and weakness gripped my limbs. I met their gazes with a glare of defiance, determined not to show any sign of vulnerability.

"What is the meaning of this?" I growled, my voice a low rasp. "Where is my sister?"

The council members exchanged glances, their laughter echoing in the dimly lit space. Their disdainful amusement added to the anger simmering within me. I should have known they had something to do with it, judging by the way they hadn’t made her a priority when I first mentioned she was missing.

"Your precious sister, Alexei?" one of them sneered, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "She's where she belongs, in the hands of the council."

I strained against the restraints, desperation coursing through me. "Release her now, or I swear I'll—"

"You'll what?" another interrupted, a mocking grin on his face. "Kill us all? Oh, how entertaining. Your body is fully pumped with Noctusbane, so you can’t do anything."

“He can’t even extract his claws, and he’s busy threatening us,” another one mocked.

Their laughter echoed a sinister melody that grated on my nerves. I felt a surge of anger, instilled by the helplessness of the situation.

Anastasia, my sister, emerged from the shadows, her shorter hair framing a face twisted by malevolence. For the first time in three weeks, my daily prayer was answered. I scanned over her looking for any signthat she might be hurt but the woman before me was fine. In fact, she looked like she had been on vacation.

"Alexei, dear brother," she purred, her voice dripping with malice. "How does it feel to be on the losing side for once?"

I ground my teeth, suppressing the urge to lash out physically. "You don’t have to join them, Anastasia. This won't end well for any of you."

Anastasia laughed, a cruel sound that reverberated in the confined space. "Oh, Alexei, you always were the optimist. We've already won."

"You think Harmony Grove will bow to your tyranny?" I shot back, my words sounding defiant. "You're underestimating the resilience of its people."

Anastasia's expression turned colder. "Harmony Grove will be ours, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Your quaint sense of morality won't save you or anyone else this time."

As she spoke, the council members continued to revel in their perceived victory. I couldn't fathom the depth of my sister's betrayal, and the realization cut deep.

"You're blinded by power, Anastasia," I spat, my gaze locked with hers. "You've become everything you once despised."
