Page 37 of Her Alien Healers

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“And cookies,” Jody said. “A lifetime supply.”


It turned out that delivering a breech baby was easier than flying through a thunderstorm, though Tariq doubted Phaedra felt the same way.

A combination of issues complicated the delivery, but they had prepared for most of them. The greatest challenge had been to keep the fathers calm and focused on Phaedra while the three healers worked in the cramped cabin of the shuttle.

By the time the child was born, the storm was over and the first rays of dawn reached up into a clear blue sky. Once mother and daughter were examined and declared healthy, the three of them had gone outside. The new family needed some time alone, so they and the guards had stepped out to watch the sunrise and wait for their ride to arrive.

Yardan himself piloted the ship that brought them back to Haven, and he had news to share.

“We haven’t got them all yet, but once one broke down and gave us a name, it didn’t take long to gather up most of them.”

“How can you know you have most of them when we don’t know how many there are?” Jody asked, her voice thick with exhaustion.

“We can’t,” Yardan admitted. “But Haven’s not a big colony, and I cannot imagine too many of them are Liq’za. A few of them aren’t even citizens. They came in on a Vardarian cargo ship a week ago. The ship is undergoing a refit, and these bakaffa were here to relax for a few weeks before heading out again. They were hired help with no idea what they’d signed up for.”

“So it’s safe for everyone to return home now?” Jody asked.

“In a day or so. I want to be sure. The palace staff have all been cleared, though I have some concerns about a few. They’re all being transferred to other assignments for now. Nothing near the palace.”

“You think one of them let the Liq’za in?” Tariq asked.

“I think at least one of them is part of the group.” Yardan scrubbed a hand over his beard. “This is a fraxxing mess, and cleaning it up will take time.”

“But for now, we’re safe.” Jody nestled a little deeper into her chair, her eyes already closing as the events of the night caught up to her.

“You’re safe, Jody. We’ll make sure of it,” Tariq promised her.

Sulat smiled and placed his hand on Tariq’s shoulder. “Yes, we will.”

Once home, they all went straight to bed. Even with nanotech enhancements, he and Sulat needed sleep, though not nearly as much as Jody did.

Hours later he sat in the kitchen with his anrik drinking freshly brewed kabari.

“Do you think she’ll sleep all night?” Sulat asked.

“I doubt it. I assume she’ll wake up soon, even if it’s just to eat and hydrate.”

“I hate knowing she’s so vulnerable,” Sulat blurted out a moment later.

“I know.” It worried him, too. Accelerated healing was something most Vardarians took for granted along with improved strength and endurance.

The solution was obvious, but it had to be her decision.

“We talked about this already and both agreed we shouldn’t rush her decision.” Sulat sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “But…”

“But she’d be safer if she had the tech,” Tariq finished the thought. “It’s more than that, though. I need to protect her every way I can. I need her in every way possible.”

He hadn’t put his feelings into words until now, but hearing them aloud made it so obvious. “I want to claim her, Sulat. That shouldn’t be possible.”

Sulat grunted. “I know. I feel it too, and it’s getting stronger.”

“It is. But it’s all in our heads. It has to be.”

“I’m not sure about that. I have a theory.” Sulat set down his mug. “I’ll need a blood sample, though.”

“A blood sample. Why?”
