Page 21 of Forbidden Fruit

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She was finally embracing adventure on her own terms. And no one, not even my father, could dictate her choices anymore or extinguish the fiery longing in her heart.

Tonight Natalia Moretti was taking back her freedom, propriety be damned. With Leonardo waiting, how could it be anything but an incredible night?

As the taxi wound through the streets towards Leonardo, my nerves transformed into exhilaration. I was really doing this - sneaking away for a secret rendezvous against all odds.

My mind raced imagining how Leonardo would react when he saw me. Would his smoldering eyes devour me in this sexy black dress? Would he be impressed I managed to escape to be with him despite Father's restrictions?

I hoped Leonardo appreciated the lengths I had gone to in order to keep our date tonight. I was risking everything - my family's trust, my safety, my reputation. But as I pictured Leonardo waiting for me, his smooth voice and roguish smile, I knew it would all be worth it.

Being with Leonardo made me feel truly alive. He saw past the demure mafia princess act and brought out my fiery, defiant side. Together we generated enough passion and electricity to light up the night.

I smiled to myself, anticipating the thrill of his hands on me again, our mouths coming together hungrily after so long apart. Maybe it was reckless, but I was helplessly addicted to the way Leonardo consumed my thoughts, my every desire.

My pulse quickened as the taxi approached our secret meeting spot. It was finally time - time to lose myself in Leonardo's dangerous embraces again.

Whatever consequences awaited didn't matter now. Tonight, it was just Leonardo and I getting lost in each other again at last. And nothing in heaven or hell could diminish the fiery perfection of that long-awaited moment.



Natalia's POV:

The dazzling lights of the Grand Royale hotel lobby temporarily blinded me as I stepped inside. It was just as opulent as the name suggested—marble floors, massive chandeliers, gilded accents everywhere.

I lingered awkwardly among the smartly dressed patrons, very aware of how out of place I appeared. But I tried to project an air of confidence as I made my way toward the elegant seating area.

I had no way to alert him to my arrival. We were playing a dangerous game and had to be vigilant about covering our tracks completely.

I perched on a plush velvet sofa with a clear view of the elevators, checking the time. It was still 20 minutes until when Leonardo and I had arranged to secretly meet.

Now came the agonizing wait. I tried to ignore my racing heart as I watched the elevators impatiently, eager for any glimpseof Leonardo. Just knowing he was probably somewhere in this very building made my pulse quicken.

After so many weeks apart, we would finally have real time alone tonight. No curious eyes or looming threat of interruption like at our past meetups.

I smoothed my sleek black dress, hoping Leonardo would appreciate the effort I had made for him. I was willing to take any risk for the chance to be with him again, even just for a few reckless hours.

Leonardo's POV:

I peered through the scope of my sniper rifle, tracking the perimeter of the warehouse. Just another routine intel gathering mission, low risk. I'd be done in plenty of time to get cleaned up and make my evening rendezvous.

The thought of seeing Natalia's beautiful face again sent a thrum of anticipation through me. It had been far too long since I'd held her in my arms, tasted those irresistible lips. The memory alone was enough to make my blood burn.

Tonight we finally had a real chance to be alone without interruption at the hotel. I had gone through great pains to ensure it would be safe. One perfect night together - that's all I needed.

Out of habit, I pushed away the niggling worry that had plagued me more frequently the deeper I fell for Natalia. That she deserved better than stolen moments with a dangerous man who could never fully belong to her.

But I couldn't resist her pull, that exhilarating fire between us. And I knew in my soul she felt the same. We would deal with the consequences as they came.

For now, all that mattered was savoring every second we managed to steal, heedless of risks. The rest of the world saw me as cold and calculating. But Natalia brought out a protective tenderness in me I barely recognized.

I would move heaven and earth to shelter our fragile flame against the forces and obligations threatening to tear us apart. She was the one bright spot in my dark reality. And I would fight for her until my last breath...

Quickly stowing my gear, I melted into the night. Flawless execution, no complications. By my watch, I had just enough time to get cleaned up before meeting Natalia.

In the car, I cranked up the radio to drown out unwanted thoughts creeping in. But her emerald eyes still flashed unbidden in my mind.

It had been too long since that reckless night together. An appetite had awoken in me that I was powerless to resist, no matter the risk.
