Page 3 of Forbidden Fruit

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My mouth went dry and I struggled to find my words under the power of his roaming gaze. "I...I'm not usually so daring," I finally managed.

"No?" Leonardo tilted his head, assessing me in a way that made me feel stripped bare. "Now why don't I believe that?"

He took a half-step closer and the scent of his manly cologne enveloped me. My heartbeat stuttered.

"I think there's more to you than meets the eye," Leonardo murmured, reached out to lightly brush a lock of hair from my face. His fingers grazed my cheek and I nearly gasped at the contact. "You have secrets of your own, Natalia. Just like me."

I should leave, excusing myself politely. But I couldn't move, spellbound by Leonardo's presence and the thrill of our forbidden connection.

He knew he was charming me, tempting me. And I was letting him.

Leonardo's fingers lingered a moment too long on my cheek before dropping to lightly grasp my wrist. My pulse leaped under his touch.

"Come, let me show you some of the games," he said with a roguish smile. Unable to resist, I let him lead me towards the tables. His hand drifted to the small of my back, guiding me through the crowds with subtle intimacy.

At the roulette wheel, Leonardo leaned in close behind me, his voice low and daring as he explained the bets. "You see," he whispered, his warm breath grazing my neck, "roulette's a game where luck dances on the edge of risk."

I couldn't help but shiver at his proximity, the magnetic pull between us growing stronger by the second. When I turned my head to glance at him, our faces were dangerously close, mere inches apart. The urge to close that distance was electric, but I maintained my composure.

Clearing my throat, I took a step back, my heart pounding. "Thanks, Leonardo," I said, trying to regain my focus. "But I think I'd like to learn blackjack next."

He flashed me a roguish grin and gestured toward the blackjack table. "Of course. Let's move on to the game of twenty-one."

He flashed a mischievous grin, and we moved to the blackjack table. As I sat down, our arms brushed, sending a jolt of excitement through me. "Now, in blackjack," he began, his voice still laced with that daring charm, "the name of the game is getting as close to twenty-one as you can without busting. And trust me," he added with a wink, "I know a thing or two about playing my cards right."

I couldn't help but chuckle, feeling the tension between us. "Well, Leonardo, I hope you're a great teacher because I have a feeling I'll be easily distracted."

He leaned in closer, his lips brushing my ear as he whispered, "Oh, don't you worry. I'll make sure you remember this lesson."

After winning hand after hand under Leonardo's direction, laughter bubbled up in me. "Are you using some kind of magic here?" I teased. "You're too good at this!"

Leonardo grinned and leaned in to whisper, "Perhaps I'm your lucky charm."

My heart stuttered as his lips grazed my ear. When he pulled back, his gaze dropped to my mouth. The playful atmosphere shifted, replaced by rising tension.

I knew I should flee this dangerous attraction. But when Leonardo stood and held out his hand in silent invitation, I let him lead me further into the glittering maze of the casino instead. Ready to see where this intoxicating temptation took us next.

Leonardo flagged down a passing server and procured two champagne glasses, handing one to me with a flourish. "To chance encounters and new possibilities," he toasted, his eyes locked on mine as we clinked glasses. The bubbles went straight to my head.

We meandered through the casino, sipping our drinks, the conversation and laughter flowing easily between us now. Leonardo had a devilish wit that kept me constantly charmed and engaged.

When my glass was empty, Leonardo took it from me and set both flutes on a table. "One more drink together?" he asked, gesturing towards the glamorous bar.

I knew I was already in too deep, dangerously drawn to this man. But the sparkle in his eyes and promise of more time together overruled my better judgment. "Yes, please," I answered.

At the bar, Leonardo ordered us top-shelf whisky. The smooth, warm liquor only amplified the heat creeping through my veins as we huddled together on barstools. Leonardo traced abstract patterns on the back of my hand with one finger as he spoke, sending tingles up my arm.

The combination of adrenaline, attraction and alcohol was potent. Restraint was slipping away. I caught Leonardo's wrist in my hand as it drifted over my skin, pressing my fingertips to the inside and feeling his pulse. His eyes darkened.

After a successful round with Leonardo's guidance, I turned my head to smile up at him. "You must be my lucky charm too."

Leonardo's gaze darkened, eyeing my lips. "Perhaps we should test that theory elsewhere," he suggested, voice dropping lower.

I nodded, breathless.

"Yeah. Maybe we should get some air," I suggested, standing on less-than-steady legs and pulling Leonardo up with me.

He followed me willingly through the crowds. "Lead the way."
