Page 60 of Forbidden Fruit

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After the last lingering notes faded, I led Natalia to the secluded rooftop garden so we could continue our starlit reverie away from curious eyes. As we stood hand-in-hand looking out across the glittering skyline, she nestled against me contentedly, all walls fallen away.

"Everything is so beautiful here with you, Leonardo," she sighed blissfully.

I kissed the top of her head, breathing in Natalia's sweet scent. "Not nearly as beautiful as you, my Cinderella."

She looked up at me then with such naked adoration, it stole my breath anew. I would walk through fire and war to keep this miraculous woman safe in my arms. Tonight was just a small token of all I wished I could lay at her feet.

Drawing Natalia closer still, I kissed her deeply beneath the glimmering moon. Nothing would taint this magic we had found in each other against all odds. The shadows of past and future fell away for these stolen hours of wonder. And I would hold the memory of Natalia's joy tonight as my guiding light coming days brought what they may.

Natalia’s POV:

Out in the rooftop garden, Leonardo drew me into his arms again beneath the moonlight. As we kissed tenderly, the rest ofthe glittering city faded away. I was lost in the bliss of being with this man who had moved heaven and earth just to make me smile.

“Have I mentioned how incredibly handsome you look tonight?” I teased when we finally broke for air.

Leonardo grinned, eyes warm as they roamed over me. “Well you look radiant as ever, my dear.”

I swatted his shoulder playfully. “Keep laying on the charm, Casanova. I’m putty in your hands already anyway.”

Laughing, Leonardo dropped dramatically to one knee before me. “Then I shall dedicate myself fully to worshipping your beauty and grace always, my goddess.”

His theatrical antics made me giggle. Beneath the light banter, I could see the sincerity in Leonardo’s gaze. The promises it held to show me the whole world beyond the bounds of our difficult situation.

After one final gallant kiss upon my hand, Leonardo drew me over to sit together on a stone bench surrounded by the garden’s fragrant night blooms. I settled close beside him, head coming to rest naturally on his strong shoulder.

We sat without speaking for a time, fingers entwined, just relishing this gift of being fully present together with no distractions. I wished we could make the magic of tonight last forever.

As if reading my wistful thoughts, Leonardo spoke up hesitantly. “What if it didn’t have to stay like this, Natalia? Always looking over our shoulders, never free...”

I turned toward him curiously. Leonardo took a deep breath before continuing. “I have a villa in a quiet seaside town in Italy. We could start over there, away from everything and everyone. Just you and me.”

My pulse quickened, imagining carefree sunny days strolling cobbled streets together far from the threats and judgments that had kept us apart so long. A clean slate just for us.

Leonardo gripped my hands tightly, hope plain in his dark eyes. “Say the word and we’ll leave this city behind for good. I’d face a thousand wars for even one lifetime with you.”

Joy swelled within me at his heartfelt words. This was everything I had dreamed of - a real future for us beyond stolen moments in the shadows. But before I could enthusiastically agree, my phone suddenly buzzed insistently from my beaded clutch.

I shot Leonardo an apologetic look before fishing out the device, thinking it must be Ashley checking in on our date night. But instead of her cheerful voice, an icyfamiliar tone greeted me.

“Natalia Moretti. You made a big mistake humiliating me. Now it's time you learned what happens when my family is crossed."

The line disconnected abruptly. I froze, the air turned biting cold around me. Beside me, Leonardo had gone rigid, his expression hardening.

"Who was that? What did they say?" Though his voice remained steady, I could hear the fury simmering beneath the surface.

I turned to him with frightened eyes. "It was Bree Russo. I guess she wasn't content to just threaten me at school. Now she wants real revenge."

Leonardo was on his feet immediately, danger radiating off him in waves. But his grip on my hand stayed gentle, grounding. "Come. We're leaving."

I followed in a daze as Leonardo led us swiftly from the elegant rooftop back down to the bustling streets. The night had turned menacing and bleak so quickly. Bree clearly meant business, but I couldn't show fear or run from her spiteful wrath. I had to face the viper's nest head on.

Back in the sleek car, Leonardo drove with focused intensity away from the city center. His tight jaw and flinty eyes reflected the simmering rage that matched my own, kept at bay for now by necessity. Emotions would have to wait - dealing with Bree's threat came first.

Checking the mirrors, I saw no signs of pursuit. But I had no doubt she intended to send her father's thugs after me as violent warning. Well, let them come. I would no longer play the role of meek victim.

Beside me, Leonardo reached over and squeezed my hand firmly, as if sensing the dark path my thoughts had started down. "I won't let them hurt you, Natalia. We're in this together." His steady strength kept the rising fury at bay for now.

Jaw clenched with renewed conviction, I gave a terse nod. Leonardo was right - losing control wouldn't help anything. I had to stay focused and face whatever chaos Bree intended to unleash in her petty jealousy. And show her why I was not to be trifled with.
