Page 106 of Angel's Kiss

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A couple hours later we are awoken by the ringing phone. I feel Joshua roll away to answer it.

“What do you mean she’s gone? Bloody hell, I’ll take care of him. Yeah, I guessed that when I first saw the boy. Thank you, Timothy.” He hangs up the phone and turns back to me. “Get some rest, Angel, I need to take care of a situation with Ian and Jen.” He kisses me and slides from the bed to dress.

“Is everything okay?”

“I can handle it, you sleep.”

A fall back to sleep with prayers that Ian and Jen can work out their issues.



I knew they'd gotten the evidence before I called. I hope they can figure it all out and help. I'll be sending some packages to Maya's Scotland compound. I found it several months ago and worry that he will find her too. I need to protect Maya just like I need to protect D. I know Maya's the only one who will be able to kill him. I wish I was strong enough to, but I'm not. I can't leave my daughter alone. I wish I had ended him years ago, before he hurt Cara. I miss Cara every day and live with the pain of knowing I killed my own baby sister. I know it's what she wanted, but I wish it hadn't had to be done. When Yoseph contacted me and told me the new plan, I felt better, but then she had to hug him, and they both died. I left my niece parentless, just like I left my own daughter. After my wife was killed in front of our daughter, I tried to stay away from her, but I couldn’t. She is my child.

Carl was an easy kill for me, I knew if I left him alive he would go after Duncan again, and that would hurt Maya. I hated watching the pain and turmoil she went through after Cara died. I was so glad James got to her on time. I'm happy she now has a strong support system, she will need them to help my daughter. I need to get her to them. I know Maya will protect her, they are the only Cavanaughs left.

My cell buzzes from my pocket. I retrieve it and see a message from Sir.

How could you let them get that evidence?

What was I supposed to do? I reply back.

Kill the men, kill someone. That's why I keep you around.

You didn't tell me to do that.

I know where your daughter is. I will get her and make her pay for your incompetence. I have some friends I would like to introduce to her.

That son of a bitch. You will never find her. I'm done working for you.

I know it was her that exposed Jonathan. You'll never be done with me. I know how many you've killed. I own you.

Do you want me to do something?

Find them. Kill Duncan, Joshua, Greg, Derek, and James.

I won't hurt her anymore. I quit.

No, you don’t. As long as your daughter lives, you'll never leave me. I killed your wife, I can kill her. I'm going to have some fun in the Philippines. I've heard from a friend in London he's looking for Jazd. Meet me in Malaysia.

I end the conversation. If he's heading to or referring to the Philippines, he's found Tony. I need to get a message to her. I look at my phone and pull up my D contacts. I know this next step could cost me my life, or hers, more than anything else I have done.

You are in danger. He wants me to go after Duncan and Joshua but is heading to Tony.

I'm in a bit of a bind. I can only do what I'm allowed.

He knows about Tony. Tony's been burned completely. I'm going to go dark. I will keep you safe.

I will try to get to him. Please stay safe. We can’t let J come here.

Okay. You stay safe too.


“Come on, Tommy, let’s go to bed.” I carry him to his crib.

“Dadda,” he gurgles in baby talk as he points at the pictures on his mobile.

“Yes, that's your dadda, little man.” I look at the pictures I've added of Ian to the mobile so Tommy will see his dad. If only I can tell him. I tried for a long time to get in touch with him. Now it's too late. I'm not even sure I love him anymore.

He's going to be so angry when he finds out, but I have no choice. I lie Tommy down in his bed, cover him with his favorite blanket, and give him his bear.

From the other room I hear my laptop softly ping. I was drifting off in the rocking chair watching my son sleep. I go check it, leaving his night light on. I see a secure email from Tony.

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