Page 46 of Angel's Kiss

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I look across the room to Maya, who's staring out the window. I know all this has caused her to really think about herself and her mother. She's still in shock. I've never seen her cry like that, she didn't even cry that hard when they died.

As if she can feel my stare on her, she turns and looks directly at me. I rise from where I'm seated next to Joshua, his arms reflexively hold me down, but he sees my intent and releases me. I walk to her and her to me. We meet halfway and hug each other for dear life.

“I'm so sorry, Maya. I love you.”

“I love you too, Ana. I can't believe all of this.” She hugs me tighter to her. I feel her start to shake with sobs again. I'm crying just as hard. A pair of arms encircle us both, and I look up into Daddy’s eyes.

“I miss them both so much, you both remind me of them. They would be so proud. Maya, your father would be proud of you and the woman you've become. The fact you are a sniper too has nothing to do with how they died.”

“James, I don't even know how to feel. I'm so confused. I've lived the last six years shutting everyone but you, Ana, Derek and Greg out of my heart, until I met Duncan. I don't know where to go from here. I want revenge, I want to hurt someone as much as I hurt, but mostly I wish they were here with us.”

“I know, darling.” He continues to hold us as the room becomes a flurry of activity for dinner. When he pulls away, he kisses us each on the forehead. “Maya, never doubt you're my daughter too. Ana, I praise God every day that you survived that accident.”

“Oh, Daddy, I love you and wish Mum were here too.”

“Never doubt she is with you.”

“My turn,” Greg says as he pulls Maya into his embrace. “Sweetheart, you're the best at what you do, but just because you chose this occupation doesn't mean it has any bearing on how they died. I'm proud of you. If you want, I volunteer Derek for you to beat on later,” he tells her with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Thanks, you know she'll be handing me my ass,” Derek grumbles.

“I think you need to let the steam out too, son,” Greg says cryptically.

“Oh yeah, where did you hear that?” He looks at Maya, who shakes her head.

“I was going to head this way, even if I didn't get the message from Mr. Flemish. Dr. Mason called me.” I step back and let them continue talking, but Greg pulls me into his embrace with Maya. “You, young lady, have an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Mason too,” he says as he looks down at me.

Joshua and Duncan walk up to us and wait. Duncan pulls Maya into his arms and hugs her to him. Joshua pulls me into his arms and looks at Greg carefully.

“Who is Dr. Mason and why would you make her an appointment without consulting us first?” he grits out through clenched teeth.

“Dr. Mason is a counselor that helped these two. After what I heard happened yesterday from Derek, I knew she needed to talk to someone.”

“Yes, she does. Timothy can set her up with a Skype call like we just did, and give her the privacy necessary.”

“I have a burner phone with a special dial she can use, it's untraceable.”

“Okay. Right, Angel?”

“I guess it's time.” I look over to Maya, and she smiles.

“I don't want the money, Maya, I only want you. If I have to work the rest of my life to show you I don't care about the money, I will. I love you, baby.” Duncan kisses her.

“I love you too. We'll figure it out together, maybe a trust for our future children, or give it to charity,” she says after they kiss.

Joshua's arms tighten around me.

“Angel, I'm sorry.” I can see in his eyes how much he cares, we've not said the words but I know I love him.

We sit at the table, everyone trying to digest the wonderful meal we just had and not discuss what’s on our minds. I feel nauseous and just want to climb in bed with Joshua. I excuse myself and head to my room. I can't wrap my mind around all this.

Both of our mothers were possibly murdered by the same person. Who? Why? Why did Jonathan contact the attorney, and how did he know about the marriage bonus? Marriage bonus. What a joke. Marry me and I'll make you rich.

That was all Jonathan thought about. Being rich, powerful, and better than the next person. Who's the other person that gets part of the inheritance? $30 million, what am I going to do with all that money?

I change into a mid-length purple, silk nightgown. My face clean of the day, I sit on the chaise lounge to brush out my long hair when Joshua walks in. He said he would be staying in this room from now on. He strolls in with his bags and drops them by the empty dresser.
