Page 51 of Angel's Kiss

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“It’s okay, my mum lives in Madrid, and Timothy's family adopted me when I was a teenager. Like I told you before, these guys are my family, and now you and Maya are also.”

“Thank you, Raul. I agree, you're family now too. Please be careful when you’re in London, Jonathan is dangerous.”

“Nothing to worry about.” He rises and kisses her cheek, then heads out to get ready.

“Well, are we going to discuss how the girls are going to contact the attorney or what our thoughts are on yesterday?” Greg asks.

I turn to look at him and smile, he can't help himself taking the leadership role. He shrugs at me.

“I can create an email address for them to get the new phone number then delete it, easy.”

“Timothy, you're right, that's the easy part. There'll be paperwork to sign, affairs to put in order, and finally the safety deposit boxes. How are we going to handle that? I've already been doing some research. If the safety deposit boxes are a double key or password, we'll have to get those,” I supply.

I woke up early after Ana's nightmare and worked in my office for a while before the team came in.

“I'll ask James for all his investigation notes, give Ian all the bomb notes, and I'll research the other stuff. I know my part, what are you all doing?” Timothy smiles at me.

“I'm going to contact someone I know in the US about this attorney.” I smile back.

“I’ll pull some background information on Maya's parents,” Greg states.

“I’ll have the crew get to work on getting the security fence done on this massive piece of land,” Duncan adds.

“I'm going to contact some people I know in Tel Aviv and see about exhuming my parents. I'm also going to call David and see what he knows.”

“No, Maya, we can wait to take that course. Calling David to get more information on the bomb is a good idea, but make sure you do it across secure lines.”

“Are you sure, Joshua?”

“Yes, I don't want you to have to go through that.” I know it can't be easy to relive their deaths.

“Maya, can I talk to you?” Ana asks. “Privately?”

“Don't forget, Ana, you have a one o’clock appointment. Dr. Mason told me he'll get up early for a beautiful woman,” Greg reminds Ana. She grimaces at him, I know she doesn’t want to make this call.

“Thank you, I'll call him from my studio.”

I watch them head into the house as we continue to plan and strategize.


“Maya, are you okay with all this?”

“Ana, I'm worried about you and little Isabella, but I'm dealing. Duncan held me all night and won't let me venture far, he's worried too.”

“You've lost the most of us because of this madman.”

“You've possibly suffered the most, if Jonathan is a part of this, as it seems. He tortured you.”

“Don't ever doubt how much I care for you. How much you’ve taught me. I know I wouldn't have survived that if it weren't for all of you.” She walks over to me and hugs me. “So the other reason I brought you in here is I want to do something for your birthday.”

“No, but thank you—”

“Just a dinner here,” I interrupt her denial. “I need something normal.”

“Keep it just us and small.”

“Thank you, Maya. I also want to talk to you about Isabella's middle name. I want to give her your mum's name, if you’re okay with it. Kind of a way of following their ideas with names.”
