Page 71 of Angel's Kiss

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“Thank you.” I click off and look at Ian.

He's still pissed at me for making him come back to the hospital, but with Raul gone and Timothy running all the evidence, we needed him.

“Ian, bloke, I need you here. I know you're avoiding her, but dammit, Ana and Isabella need your protection.”

“I know, mate, sorry. She just turns me inside out.”

“I get it now. Maybe it's time to talk to her and put this all to rest. We might as well head out and get back to the compound.”

We head back down to Derek, who informs us Duncan indeed had a tail that he lost by heading to Perth. They'll be a couple hours behind us now. I want my girls with me but know Duncan will protect them.

We head back to the estate and wait. I'm pacing the hall twirling my knife around myself, trying to relieve the tension, when the gate guard calls. I slide the knife back into its scabbard at my back as I rush out to see them pull up. I throw open the back door and unhook Isabella's seat as Ana walks around to me and right into my other arm.

“Angel, I hated leaving you there like that. I'm sorry, but it was the safest way I could protect you.”

“I know, honey, but please don't ever leave me like that again. I was so worried.”

“I can't promise that, Angel, you know I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you both. Come on, let's get you both inside. Your father is waiting for us to call so he can come see you.”

“I need to change and breastfeed Isabella.”

“Okay. How did it go, Duncan?” I look at him.

“I lost him in Perth traffic. He doesn't know where we are as far as I can tell. How he figured out we were in Scotland is driving me crazy. We need to put a stop to both him and Jonathan.”

“Even if we stop them, we still have Sir in the shadows we need to worry about. Was there a second tail? Could Bradley have figured it out?”

“No other tails and as for Bradley, I hope Raul has eyes on him.”

After I get my girls settled and James comes over, I decide it's time to get some things settled. We're in my office sitting around trying to figure out our next step. I look around the room to my team. Greg is sitting with us and helping strategize too. He just arrived for some more time off with the family in preparation of Maya and Duncan's wedding. These people are more like family than a team to me. I hate that I'm about to put us under a microscope, but I'm tired of reacting, it's time to take the offense.

“Calling this Mr. Smith is our only option.” Duncan looks at me.

“You need to get on the offense now, Joshua, we need to confirm if we can get this man to turn on Jonathan,” Greg supplies.

“I know. I just hate putting all of us in this danger. Maya, are you sure the property is secure? Timothy, can we be tracked? Any ideas on how Nathan found the girls?”

“Bossman, we are secure, and as for the property, Maya and I have secured it. Even a helicopter landing will be taken out.”


“Don't answer, plausible deniability,” Maya says. “There are safe rooms in each of the finished properties,” she continues with a smile.

“Damn it, Maya, okay,” I laugh.

How she gets her hands on some things amazes me. It has to be the strong military influence from her training at Quantico that helps her.

“Unless we have a mole within our group or some other breach, we are secure,” Timothy answers with complete confidence in his abilities.

“Okay, do your thing.” I watch him do what he does best, and my laptop starts to ring.

“Who is this?” a gruff voice answers.

“This is Joshua Donovan. We need to talk.”

“Well, Mr. Donovan, I was wondering if you'd be smart enough to find me. I also wondered if you had the balls to do so.”

“Yes, I have the capabilities to find you. As for the balls, I'm not scared of you. I have the tapes and evidence. I want you to leave Anabel alone, she is under my protection, and mine. What will it take for you to go away?”
