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Nova opened the glass oven door, placed the pot inside to keep it warm, and said, “We only have a few minutes to get cleaned up before dishing up.”

His brow arched. “How many?”

“Not enough.” She waggled her finger at him. “And don’t think I didn’t notice you avoided my question about your meeting.”

Heat flared in his eyes as he stood and tugged her close. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten we were interrupted this morning.”

A flood of endorphins filled her with warmth, and she lifted on her toes to press her lips to his.

“I love it when you look at me like that,” she murmured against his lips. She slid her hands around his body and then down his spine to mold over his muscular buttocks. “But we have to go. Plenty of time for hot looks later. Wait—what’s this?”

She pulled a crumpled letter from his back pocket.

He groaned. “It’s from the Prime. I don’t want to read it.”

“Hoja, you probably should.” Her tone of reproach was not met well.

“Later.” He took it back and allowed her to drag him to his room. Another challenge was getting him to change into something other than a leather battle uniform. He kept trying to seduce her, especially after she walked out of the bathroom in a new dress Laurel had loaned. But, by some grace of God, he was finally dressed in casual trousers and a loose shirt, and they both made it down to the dining room to dish up meals as their guests started arriving.


Leaf didn’t realize he was hungry until he placed the first mouthful of Nova’s cooking into his mouth. It took every ounce of restraint to stop eating before everyone else was seated. If he ruined this night for Nova, he wouldn’t forgive himself. Someone had to show these ingrates manners.

She stood at the dining room entrance, resplendent in a dress he thought was far too revealing for a meal at their own home… especially when three unmated Guardians still lived within these walls. But everything about her embodied a wild, free spirit—from her untamed long hair to her unorthodox freckles to the bountiful bosom no tailoring seemed to contain. Who was Leaf to tell her how to dress?

From his seat at the head of the long mahogany table, Leaf looked down at the bowl of chili. Nova doubted fitting in here, but he sensed that she would nurture this crew into a family, and they’d all end up loving her for it. With a frown, he realized that’s all he’d ever wanted to do. Teach these rudderless souls how to be the best versions of themselves. There might not be many nights like this for a while.

Nova’s laugh snapped his gaze up.

River stood at the doorway, flashing his roguish grin at her. Still in a dirty uniform, though, Leaf noted with disdain. He’d have a word with the shifter later about appropriate dress for mealtime. Nova gave a good-natured roll of her eyes at something he said and then gestured for him to join Leaf at the dining table. River sidled past Nova, obviously brushing his unique wings against her bare arms. Lucky for that crow, Leaf felt nothing but the same hopeful excitement Nova had projected through their bond since they arrived.

He caught a mouthful of feathers and fluff as River sat beside him. Annoyed, he pushed the wings out of his face and growled, “That’s Nova’s seat.”

“Don’t see her name here.” River dragged Nova’s bowl toward his face and inhaled. When he exhaled, steam puffed from his nostrils and he gave a full-body shiver that rippled his feathers. “Oh, yeah. She’s a keeper.”

Leaf glared as the crow shoveled food into his mouth and pinched his forefinger and thumb near River’s face. “I’m this close to—”

“She’s scowling at you, boss,” River mumbled smugly through a mouthful.

Leaf’s gaze slid to his mate, who was, indeed, giving him the warning look.Behave. So he smiled pleasantly and relaxed. River, the floater, gave her a finger wave and kissed the air. Leaf punched his thigh under the table, but when River laughed, he realized he needed a bigger lesson in respect.

“You have a death wish, don’t you crow?” Rush grumbled as he took the other seat beside Leaf.

“Ever heard of table manners, elf?” Thorne grumbled, sitting beside Rush and glaring at the crow. “You’re not supposed to start until we’re all seated.”

Thank fuck some of the Twelve weren’t complete reprobates.

“I have no regrets,” River muttered, leaning back and patting his stomach. He planted his boot on the wooden seat beside him and shoved it from the table. Ash walked in with a reluctant expression. Also in his Guardian leathers.

“New rule,” Leaf ground out quietly as Ash sat. “No battle leathers at the dining table.”

The women gathered at the room’s entrance, chatting with a sudden high-pitched, bubbly tone. Leaf flinched and scowled suspiciously at them. But then Violet arrived with Peaches and her daughter, Jasmine. The pre-teen was a little older now than Willow had been when Leaf last saw her. But where Willow had been a visible presence at the house, Peaches and Haze’s halfling daughter often slept during the day. It seemed her vampire side became more prevalent as she aged. She was already as tall as her five-foot mother. Not long ago, Haze told Leaf in confidence that he wouldn’t be surprised if Jasmine shifted to have wings soon.

“Clarke!” Laurel shrieked, panic in her voice.

Every male jumped to their feet so violently that dishes and glasses were knocked over. Laurel held Clarke as she seized while gripping Nova’s arm.

Rush shoved Thorne out of the way and ran to his mate. Leaf did the same, jogging down the other side of the table. Rush took over holding his mate, preventing her from falling.
