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She pulled back in disbelief, raising her brow. “Even if you have to fight?”

“Especially then.” He pulled back and frowned at the sheet. “Did Violet drop off a spare set of battle leathers?”


“Good. Get dressed, then meet me on the lawn as soon as possible. I think we won’t see our beds for a while.”


Leaf left his room and jogged down the staircase as Forrest crashed into the balustrade. His messy auburn hair dangled as he leaned over.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Likely what we’ve been waiting for. Get in your gear and prepare for the worst.” Leaf paused, then glanced up. “Find Melody something suitable for battle.”

Forrest gave a curt nod, and Leaf hurried down. Exiting the house and entering the brisk night, he sensed panic amongst the gathering. Shade, Haze, and Indigo were at the center of the furor, trying to calm down those who’d arrived, but voices shouted atop each other. Other fae had arrived—some in robes, some in nightclothes, others in day clothes.

Leaf counted the Guardians present. None of the Six were there. It didn’t bode well, considering they couldn’t deliver a message to Rory through Crystal City. If Maebh’s army was truly here, it would attack without question.

Sid, a rookie Guardian and ex-Reaper from Crystal City, calmly strode toward Leaf. He had the same long blond hair as Leaf but tied his back. Sid was human and recently mated to a pixie princess. He’d proven himself worthy of the Well and was making amends for his past as a fae killer under Nero’s command.

He had little mana, but the Well gave him the power to share his ability to hold forbidden items and channel mana with his mate. They’d successfully beaten out raiders from a forest, saving it from joining the wastelands. Sid was the first human to pass the Guardian initiation at the Ceremonial Lake. He’d pave the way for many others if he continued proving himself.

“Is it time?” Sid asked.

“Not sure.” Leaf was about to push through the rabble when Haze’s booming voice roared across the din.


Jolts of surprise rippled across the crowd. Leaf shouldered through to the inner circle. The vampires were arguing with Rush, River, and Cloud.

“Who blew the horn?” Leaf asked.

“He did.” Shade pointed at Indigo.

“For good reason,” he replied grimly.

Leaf’s jaw clenched. To Haze, he said, “Let’s get the evacuation underway. Get everyone here and organized into orderly lines.”

If they’d evacuated earlier, Maebh’s spies would have noticed. Leaf wanted the Seelie army’s arrival to be a surprise.

Being a head taller than most others, Haze gave a shrill whistle and barked orders. Forrest and Sid helped usher the crowd away, telling them to collect belongings integral to survival. When most had left the area, Leaf gave Indigo the order to debrief.

But before he could talk, Cloud asked him, “Are you abso-fucking-lutely sure she’s on her way here and not Cornucopia?”

“Let the vampire speak.” Leaf’s ire was wasted on the crow, who looked gaunt and sleep-deprived. He might have to force Cloud to take time off after this. He clearly needed a break. Leaf returned his gaze to Indigo. “Please, continue.”

“I saw her army, the demogorgon, a fucking manticore, and white feathers in a lumpy sack hanging from her pet’s talons. I think it’s the Prime.”

Blood rushed in Leaf’s ears. He heard his own heart pound.

“How long until she’s here?” he asked, folding his arms.

“One turn of the hourglass, maybe two.” He rubbed his fist in a circle over his heart. “I thought I’d find them further out, but they managed to get closer without me seeing. This is my fault we don’t have enough warning.”

“No use pointing fingers,” Leaf said. “You did good.”

“One portal won’t be enough for both an evacuation and reinforcements,” River muttered, scrubbing his hair.
