Page 159 of In The Shadows

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“Lils and Juju against the realm, right?” she says with her own smile. Air lodges in my throat and my heart stops at the use of my nickname. I freeze, my mind unable to process the words.

“Lily, are you ok? I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?” Junie touches my arm, lightly. My shadows rush under my skin to her, seeming to remember her fondly.

I gasp as the sound of my real name echoes in my ears. “I’m not used to hearing my name.” Her eyebrows pinch together in confusion. “Oren took away my name when he stole me. I rarely hear it. Honestly, I never thought I’d hear you say it again in this lifetime.”

Junie gives my arm a gentle squeeze. I place my hand atop hers, expecting her to pull away, but she doesn’t. Small tendrils of shadows leak from my hand as flashes of lightning spark from Junie’s. Our powers mix and twirl together. The black of mine looks like specks of dust floating among the bright light of hers.

“It really is you,” Junie’s voice cracks as I drag my gaze from our hands. Tears roll down her cheeks as she stares at me. My heart shatters as she chokes back a sob.

“I’m sorry, Junie,” I say, but she shakes her head.

“You’re alive,” she says, placing her hand on my cheek. I lean into her touch. Little taps of lightning pepper my face as if her power is showering me with kisses.

Junie grabs my shoulder and pulls me hard into a hug. Her delicate frame feels fragile in my arms, and I fear I might break her. Small sobs shudder through her body as we hold each other.

When we release one another, we sit and talk like two old friends for several long moments, enjoying the time we’ve got back and not speaking more about what is coming.

By the time we exit the tavern, the crowd has thinned, and the sun tracks closer to the horizon. The white stone of the buildings reflects the golden light in mesmerizing waves. The village seems to glow as the afternoon fades into evening.

I pull my hood over my hair out of habit. Junie waves at the dark-haired guard from earlier, stopping his approach. A faint, deep hum sounds in my ear as if someone has plucked the lowest cord on an instrument. As quickly as it’s come, it’s gone.

“Theo never stopped loving you, Lily.” Junie faces me. Her lips pinched tight together, but tears fill her eyes again. “Even believing you were dead didn’t stop him. I think a part of him must have known you weren’t really gone, and that’s why he never moved on. He was waiting for you. The threads finally led him home. Back to his Amari.” A tear slides down Junie’s cheek, and I wipe it away with my thumb.

“We’re all together again, Juju. No matter what, we’ll find one another,” I say, pulling her into one last hug.

“If I find out anything, I’ll send word to Umbra,” Junie whispers in my ear before releasing me.

She walks to her waiting guard and disappears. I make my way over the rolling hills and wildflowers to find a secluded spot. Time to return home and figure out how to tell Theo everything.

While opening a portal, I ask the fates and the gods again to let this be my forever. To please let my punishment end and allow me this happily ever after. As if in answer, the end bringer story floods my mind. Dread washes over me as I step through the opening. If I lose Theo again, I fear I may become the thing the gods foretold.

Chapter 41


Nyx paces nervously in my chambers as I finish getting ready for the evening. He might wear a hole in my floor if he doesn’t stop soon. I’ve delayed meeting with Theo all day. I selfishly want to believe if I don’t tell him the truth, we can go about our lives in blissful happiness. But I know that isn’t fair.

“Do you want me to come with you? We can explain it together. If needed, I can hold him down, and we can force the elixir down his throat,” Nyx says, leaning on the door frame of my bathing chamber.

I laugh, turning my chair to face him. His hands run through his thick, black hair, disheveling it. The anxiety seems to get the better of both of us tonight.

“While I love the show of support, I think it will be best if I talk to him alone. Just wait for me inside in case things don’t go as planned.” He pushes off the door, striding over to me. Kneeling, he cups my face as his familiar leather scent calms my racing heart.

“He has to believe you. If you have the connection you say you do, he’ll know,” Nyx whispers while gently running a thumb along my cheek. I stare into his soft, gray eyes and give a small nod. I have no words as knots twist my stomach.
