Page 63 of In The Shadows

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“Lily!” The wall behind me shakes as Nyx roars for my attention.

But I can’t take my eyes off Theo.

He can’t be here.This isn’t real.He’s not safe.

My face is yanked away from the devastating sight of the man I love, and I’m forced to look into Nyx’s gray eyes, which seem to be searching my soul.

“Look at me, Lily. Please look at me. The entire Keep is going to come down if you don’t take a breath!” he screams at me.

But I can’t truly see him through the black clouding my vision.

This is my fault. I’m the one who hurt him.My creatures.My forest.My kingdom.I did this.

A voice in the darkness whispers in response, “Leopold.”

Rage blazes through me like a forest fire, consuming everything in its wake. The hallway seems to glow in response.

Leopold did this.He tried to kill what is mine,breaking our deal.Why?There’s no way he found out about my slip-up at the inn two months ago.

“Stop!” Nyx is begging. “This needs to stop. Lily, come back to me.”

I try to bring myself back. I have to be present to help Theo.

Breathe.That’s it.One more.

I gasp and crash, falling into Nyx’s arms and sobbing. The wall of black evaporates.

Nyx pulls me tight to his chest, rubbing my back.

“Shh. It’s ok. Just keep breathing for me. Everything’s ok,” he whispers into my hair.

“He can’t be here, Nyx. It can’t be him,” I say through tears.

He pushes me back and holds me at arm’s length with a firm grip.

“What do you mean he can’t be here?” He demands.

I don’t answer as the tears flow.

“Who is he, Lily? And don’t you dare lie to me! You almost brought down The Keep. What in this realm is going on, and how do you know that guard?” Confusion and hurt line his face.

I’ve never told him about Theo or that I even thought I had an Amari. The pain was always too great to explain.

“He’s the love of my life,” I whisper as the guards carry Theo into the throne room.

Nyx’s gaze narrows.

“Sure, because that explains everything,” he says with exasperation. “We don’t have time for this right now. Get it together. Summon Asher. We’ll discuss all that just happened afterward.”

He releases his hold on me and steps back. All I can do is shake my head. He grabs my face gently. His thumbs glide along my cheeks, wiping away my tears.

“Listen to me. You’re the strongest person I have ever met. You have survived torture that would have killed others,” he says, “you’re the queen of the most feared kingdom in Omnia. Now go and summon your king so we can handle what needs to be done. Then we will go to your chambers, and you will tell me everything.”

Nyx pulls the hood of my cloak over my head, hiding my hair. He places a kiss on my forehead and steps back.

I gather my thoughts and concentrate on my breathing. I tap into the dark bond between the monster and me and call upon the shadow king.

We’re just gathering information.Theo won’t be hurt.
