Page 6 of His Toughest Case

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She nods her head, her face turning a deep crimson. “Y-yes.”

“Why on earth were you mowing the lawn?”

“I just wanted to be of use around the house.”

“What does that even mean?” I ask, unable to keep the exasperation from my voice. “Can you walk?”

“I think I might have sprained my ankle,” she mutters, her expression chagrined.

“I'll carry you,” I say, rising to my feet.

"There's really no need. I can…"

She lets out a surprise gasp as I scoop her up in my arms, bridal style.

“Are you comfortable?” I ask, searching her face.

She nods shyly, blushing harder as she buries her head in my chest. I carry her into the living room and place her gingerly on the couch. I help her to sit up, gently stretching out the injured leg in front of her.

“I'll get an ice pack.”

“Really, it's okay,” London says, shifting uneasily. “It's just a light sprain; nothing I can't manage.”

“We don't want it getting worse,” I say, keeping my voice leveled despite the knot of worry in my guts. “Ice will help with the swelling.”

“Okay,” she mumbles with a timid nod.

I head to the kitchen to prepare an ice pack, then grab a sachet of painkillers just in case.

“Thank you,” she says with a grateful smile when I return to the living room.

I bend down in front of her and gently lift her feet onto my lap, then gently place the ice pack on her sprained ankle. “That should make you feel better. Would you like some painkillers?”

I look up when she doesn't answer after a few seconds to see her staring at me with an absently amused smile.

“What's that face for?” I ask, intrigued by the brightness in her usually reserved eyes.

"It's just… I remember the summer when I turned seven. I'd just gotten my hair done in pigtails and I came over to show Amelia. On my way to her room, I was running so fast that I tripped and fell, right outside your door. You came out and lifted me in your arms just like now, took me to the kitchen, and tended to my scraped knees. You were so gentle and warm…" She chuckles lightly, her expression turning dreamy. "I think that's when my crush on you started."

“You had a crush on me?” I ask, surprised.

London goes beet red again, lowering her eyes to avoid my gaze. “It was such a long time ago…” she says with a hesitant shrug. “I couldn't even define those things I felt until much later. I thought I caught the flu with all the butterflies in my stomach every time I saw you.”

I laugh, surprised by her sense of humor. London joins in, the tinkling sounds of her laughter meshing perfectly with mine. It's the first time I've heard her laugh, and I can't help but be mesmerized by the vibrancy in her face. At that moment, she looked so much younger. Freer.

She stops laughing, her expression morphing into a perplexed frown. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It's just… You're adorable,” I reply with a slight chuckle, standing up to sit beside her.

Her expression dims a little. “You make it sound like I'm still that little girl in pigtails.”

“Oh, you're so much more than that, London,” I say with a self-derisive laugh. “You're a damn gorgeous woman, one that's been giving me sleepless nights for days. You can't imagine the things I want to do to you.”

“W-why don't you?”

Those words make my breath catch in my chest. “London…”

She clears her throat. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…”
