Page 1 of The Forces of Love

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If it weren’t for the fact that some orgasms were better with other people, Sophie Anderson wasn’t sure she’d bother with them at all. The people, not the orgasms. But when her vibrators (yes, plural. Shut up, Jared. It’s not like you could have gotten me there without help) weren’t enough, when she wanted the scratch of nails along her spine, the bruise of a handprint on her hip, the taste of someone new on her tongue, Sophie sharpened her cat eye and went to Bar Clara.

What the place lacked in looks, it made up for in booze and bodies. Tonight was no exception.

It was packed, typical for ten p.m. on a Friday, and a heaving pulse of bass and sweat. Sophie’s heel stuck to the floor on every second step, though it was better to not ask why.

When a petite thing in tight jeans and a red lip met her eyes and smiled around her straw, Sophie took it as the first sign of a good night. Cute blondes with freckles and distracting red lips were her weakness.

It was easy to sidle up beside her. A brush of a hand, a compliment whispered in her ear, and Sophie would know if she’d read the signals right.

When Freckles blushed and ducked her head, then pressed closer to whisper in Sophie’s ear, it was confirmed.

“Can I buy you a drink?” Freckles asked.

“Sure,” Sophie said, deliberately brushing her lips along the woman’s cheek and enjoying the resulting exhale. “Whatever you have at your place will work.”

Then Colin appeared beside her.

There was a reason Sophie didn’t fraternize with her coworkers. Lesson learned. Thank you,Meg.

“Aha. She exists outside the office.”

Sophie left her hand on Freckles’s lower back, a promise and a claim, as she turned to him. If he cockblocked her, she’d make sure every email he sent got permanently redirected into the trash.

Colin smiled, a beer in hand and his gaze darting over her shoulder. Sophie didn’t need to follow it to know more of the team was there.

“We’re in a booth in the back. You should come join us.”

Not gonna happen.

Would she go if things with Meg hadn’t ended so badly? How many of them were genuine? How many only wanted to grill her about her mom?

“Actually, we were just leaving,” Freckles answered for her, boldly grabbing Sophie’s ass. Oh, this was going to be agoodnight.

“Maybe next time, Colin,” Sophie said.In another life…



Mondays be damned, but today would be a great day.

The weekend had kicked off with great (and surprising athletic) sex with Freckles, a.k.a. Jo. Sophie couldn’t feel better if she’d won an all-expenses trip to a remote location with great Wi-Fi but no neighbors.

Her nails were filed and painted to perfection, the new pants she’d bought while shopping with her mom yesterday made her ass look phenomenal, and the fake freckles she’d dotted over her cheeks kept her Friday night exploits fresh in her mind.

Sophie was feelinggood.

Even the sound of her alarm this morning hadn’t dulled her mood.

Nope, not evenworkcould ruin her day.

The elevator groaned and rocked as it made its way to the third floor, as if it was getting too old for this shit. Technically, itwastoo old. The whole building was. Originally built in Chance in 1909— back then it was a credit union— it was a relic.

Of course, that was over a hundred years before Eastbank bought them out and parked their monstrous sky-high headquarters at its backside.
