Page 11 of The Forces of Love

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Then two choices:YesandI thought you’d never ask.

Sophie bit the inside of her cheek, smile be damned. It wasn’t fair. Mitch had likely spent his whole life as class clown, used to charming his way through every date with his stupidly adorable grin. It shouldn’t be this easy to get past her defenses.

But it couldn’t be helped. There was even a stick figure holding a daisy in the corner. No way he could have known it was her favorite.

She laughed.Damn it, I have rules. Ican’tlike him.

Why did he have to be so cute? Turning him down wasn’t in question. Even if Sophie was open to dating (and she absolutely wasn’t), the worst idea in the history of ideas was dating a coworker.

Which was why it was all the more mortifying that Mitch Langford, perennial goofball with the subtlety of a wrecking ball, was the one getting under her skin.

Still. She felt bad for turning him down. If they’d met at a bar, maybe she would… Nope. It wasn’t worth contemplating.

“This is sweet and all, but I don’t date.”

“At all?”

Sophie shook her head. She didn’t intend to be single forever, but right now, this suited her. She liked her life. Minus one recent— and attractive— development.

“Okay, your loss.” Mitch stood and groaned as he threw his arms overhead, stretching out his shoulders and back. He really had a decent build under all that fabric. “Coffee?” he asked, holding his hand out for her mug. That was the other idea he’d gotten this week, making her a cup when he went, saving her the trip and the awkward small talk with the rest of the team.

The audacity of this man.

“No thanks,” she said, and watched him leave.

Crap. He even had a great ass.

“Funny guy.”

Once she was sure Mitch couldn’t hear, she whispered, “He’s annoying.”

“You like him.”

“No, I don’t.” And she wished it was true.

Mitch didn’t know to avoid the second floorboard after the door because it creaked. Hadn’t learned yet that the best time to get coffee was before anyone else arrived. Or that the absolute worst time was after Rufus had made a pot. It took talent to fuck it up when using the exact same stuff everyone else did, but apparently, even button pushing was something a person could fail at. Even when it was their entire job.

But despite not knowing the little things, it turned out Mitch was smart. Really smart.

It had taken her a hot minute to realize it, since he got easily distracted and ran his mouth so much. But under all of that, he was a secret prodigy. He picked up tasks so quickly she wondered what the point of teaching him was. And it was sexy as hell.

Levi sat on her desk, swinging his legs back and forth.“You can’t fool me. You watch him when he’s not looking and smile when he can’t see. And your lip is swollen from how many times you’ve bitten it to stop yourself from laughing.”

“Nowyou’rebeing annoying.” Damn it, heat was rising to her cheeks again. “And quit it with the pranks already.”

“You should give him a chance. Maybe he’ll surprise you.”

“I’m ignoring you now.”

“Thanks for the update,” Mitch said as he returned. His hands were curled lovingly around a steaming mug with the phraseI hate Mondayson it. “Is there a time period I should be aware of? ’Cause I’ll mark my calendar. Want to make sure I’m fully prepared for when I get my speaking privileges back.”

* * *


“Oh my god.” Eva’s voice petered off as her laughter rose, until she was clutching her chest, doubled over. “I love you, but you’re such an idiot.”

Levi rolled his eyes. “All right, all right.”
