Page 27 of The Forces of Love

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“Just as long as you keep your hands where they are,” he said, leaning in to nip at Sophie’s jaw, neck. This, he had discovered, was a sweet spot for her. Safe to explore without ruining her makeup, which was a very important part of clandestine work hookups. And he fucking adored the soft whine she released when he did it.

* * *


This was too easy. Something was bound to go wrong. Mitch shouldn’t have the ability to make her pulse rise with a simple look. And Sophie shouldnotenjoy the way he filled in the silences by humming or how he preempted her needs before she had them.

Even Rufus had commented on it.

“Only a month in, and you two are a well-oiled machine.”

Mitch had coughed to cover his laugh. If their boss knew exactly how lubricated things were between them, he probably wouldn’t have looked so pleased.

It really was the little things that made working there worthwhile, and Rufus’s mild fear of her always put an extra pep in her step.

Once Rufus left, she crumpled up a blank sheet of paper and threw it at Mitch. “Thanks, Mr. Obvious. Think you could maybe button your collar so ourbossdoesn’t see the giant hickey on your neck?”

He only smiled wider. “You love it.”

The words evoked a fluttering that Sophie did her best to ignore. “Don’t get your hopes up.”

In the periphery, Levi watched on, looking as smug as ever. Whatever. Let him be pleased. Honestly, most days, her cheeks hurt from smiling. The inbox had never looked so good. She hadn’t broken a nail in a month, and barely a day went by where Sophie didn’t have a body-rocking orgasm. Two on a really great day.

A sort of wonder and awe had settled in her chest, which she was taking careful steps to avoid digging into. Without warning or pain, Mitch had become a solid entity in her world. In the past, she had enjoyed coming to work, especially on the days when her coworkers left her alone and she could spend the day crossing off tasks with her earbuds in. Now though? This was another level.

One that involved tiny explosions between her ribs when Mitch was nearby.

But that was probably just an aftereffect of all the sex.

* * *


Sophie tossed the remote back onto the coffee table. “This isn’t a date.”

Mitch slung his arm along the back of the sofa, playing with the thin strap of her top. “Gotcha loud and clear. It’s just two coworkers who occasionally bang watching a movie. I can see how that could be misconstrued,” he teased, angling close to kiss her shoulder. As much as he wanted to iron out the wrinkle across the bridge of her nose, he had no doubt she’d deck him if he tried.

“I mean it. Don’t even think about holding my hand. This is Netflix and chill and nothing more, okay?” Sophie pointed her holographic nail at him. “No funny business.”

He nodded, affecting the most serious face he could muster.

“Now, undo your jeans. I don’t want to ruin these nails.”

How could henotlaugh at that? It was either that or kiss the pout right off Sophie’s lips. And hell, he’d lived a good life. Why not try his luck twice in one day?

He could still taste the raspberry on her tongue, sharp and sweet, easily addictive. Just like her.

“Mitch,” Sophie breathed, chasing him as he pulled back, teasing her.

Did she even know how goddamn cute she was when she scowled? At this rate, he’d pop a boner every time they argued.

“Sophie,” he replied. Then he dipped in and sucked on her plump lower lip, moving to grip her hips, tightening his hold when she whined. “Stop talking.” Without breaking the kiss, he hooked his hands under her skirt and ran them hungrily up her incredible thighs until he could strip off her underwear and sink to his knees.

* * *


“Fuck, you look so good like that,” Mitch growled as Sophie sucked on two of his fingers. “I wish there were two of me so I could stretch you from both sides.”
