Page 4 of The Forces of Love

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“Don’t be mad. We both want the same thing. They’d be great together, but if I know Sophie, it’ll take about a hundred years for them to work it out for themselves. I’m just proposing we push things in the right direction. I want to help them find happiness. And in return, we won’t need to check in on them any longer.”

If she knew Mitch, and she did, a little push would help. “I’m listening.”

“How about a bet? Why not see who can get them to fall in love first?”

“And when I beat you at your own game, what do I win?”

“Bragging rights.”

Eva barked out a laugh. “Dear husband, I don’t need to do anything for those.” But… she grinned. “Loser takes the next sleepover shift.”

The last time she’d suffered through an all-nighter with fifteen eight-year-old girls, she’d been left with a high pitch ringing in her ears for a month, and her ears weren’t even bound to the physical plane. Explainthat.

Levi kissed her cheek. “Deal.”

* * *


Levi was perched on her desk when Sophie returned to the Vault. He was slouched against the computer the way only a specter of thought could be without breaking things.

“Fun day ahead,”he said, his tone dripping with amusement.

“Don’t you start.”

Between blinks, Levi was standing beside her desk.

“I’ve been running everything smoothly for six months,” Sophie huffed, dropping into her chair, “but sure, hire some random person to ‘lighten the load.’” Ugh, Rufus was such a dick. “I hope he gets caught in the elevator.”

Levi found that particularly amusing, but he also thought it was fun to lower people’s chairs during meetings.

“Maybe you’ll like him.”

It was probably redundant to glare at a figment of her imagination, but screw it, it felt good anyway.

“Okay, geez, don’t shoot the messenger.”

Sophie grabbed her nail file and buffed back the snag. “As long as he stays out of my business, we’ll be fine.”

She turned, but Levi had already run off to wherever he spent his time between appearances. He was often gone for days at a time, but missing him never got easier.

Her attention caught on the empty desk beside her. For half a year, it had served as a reminder to be more cautious about who she got close to, but maybe having someone new around would finally erase the sting she felt every time she passed by.



Unlike when Mitch had interviewed, Rufus didn’t meet him at security. Said there was no better way for Mitch to indoctrinate himself than by jumping into the deep end. Pretty sure that was the sort of thing a boss wasn’t meant to say out loud, but what did Mitch know?

Banks bred weird people.

He’d worked for Rufus types before. Could smell that brown nose a mile away. It was… whatever. It wouldn’t take long for Mitch to figure out what kind of micro manager the guy was. One thing was for sure though. This dude would take the credit and run with it. For as often as he used the term team player, it was obvious that any complaints Mitch had would go ignored. NoIinteam, right?

Yeah.Don’t let the hypocrisy hit you on your way out, boss.

Now that he’d escaped the (probably haunted, definitely dangerous) elevator, Mitch paused in the corridor, undecided. Right and left were his only options. A coin flip. Fifty-fifty chance of success. Pretty good odds for Danger Chill.

Oh. He should write his own theme song.

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