Page 53 of The Forces of Love

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“That’s my husband you’re talking about.”

Okay. Husband. Wow. Mitch was learning all sorts of new things today.

“Bye, Eva.”

There was the barest sensation, a tremor of a feeling, when she kissed his temple.“Goodbye, Mitch.”

* * *


Goddamn, he always hated this part. Stupidly, he’d thought it would be easier, what with Sophie being older. He was used to doing this while his charges were still young. Usually, he didn’t even have to say the actual words. He merely faded away without notice, already forgotten.

There was no chance of that happening here.

Sophie had been his longest job. Hundreds of years old, thousands of kids protected, andthiswas the one he’d had the hardest time leaving.

But it was time.

She wasn’t the first he’d attached to, but she was the only one he had wanted to call his own. And worse than the first day of school, the times she’d hated him or asked him to leave in frustration, this hurt. A pain that was all consuming, never to be repaired. But it was what she needed.

And Levi would fade into nothingness before he got in the way of Sophie’s happiness.

“I’m not ready yet.” Sophie sulked, curled up on her couch.

Neither was Levi, but he held strong. It had to be done.“Yes, you are.”

She rubbed her hands over her arms. “I really wish I could hug you.”

His eyes burned. He wished he could blame hay fever, but it was damn difficult to feign an allergic response when he didn’t have a physical body. “Sap,” he teased.

Sophie let out a wet laugh. “Jerk.”

If he didn’t call it soon, he’d be a puddle on the floor. Metaphysical body or not, there was only so much heartache he could stand before he caved.

“You were the best friend I ever had. I’ll never forget you.”

“Of all the souls I’ve looked after, you’ve been my favorite. I’m going to miss you, kid.”

“Take it easy, old man.”

They were both crying now. If Eva caught him, he’d never hear the end of it. Not that she’d be any better. He knew how much Mitch meant to her.

“Remember, you’re allowed to get older, but you never have to grow up.”

* * *


Between blinks, Levi disappeared for the last time.

But somehow Sophie knew she’d never truly be alone.



“Wait, you’re still too sexy. Come back.”
