Page 8 of The Forces of Love

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“What if you run off?”

Was that…? A joke?

Yeah, he was definitely fucked now.

“Trust me, I’ll come back to you.”

She ducked her head and spun back to her computer, but he’d caught the tail end of her smile, and he hid the pump of his fist under his desk where she wouldn’t notice.

“You know, Middle of Nowhere is underrated, in my opinion.”

“Excuse me?” she asked, one brow raised and all the gentleness of a lion two seconds away from clawing his face off.

One step forward, two steps back.

“Your shirt.” He waited for it to click, watched the snarl fade into understanding.

“Oh. Thanks.” She smiled down at her chest, and there wasn’t enough money in the world to stop Mitch from doing the same. Just for a second. He was human, all right? Sue him.

“What else do you like? You have excellent taste in pop music, obviously.”Don’t stare at her chest.“But is it just adolescent brothers you’re into? N-not into in a weird way,” he stammered. “I’m not saying you’reintothem.” Hating himself, he let out an awkward chuckle. “You know what I mean.”

Okay. His brain to mouth filter had gone offline momentarily.

“Smooth,”Eva chimed in, and really, he could do without the assist.


“Because spending forty-five hours a week in silence sounds awful. Come on, getting to know me better won’t be the most terrible thing, will it?”

With a noncommittal hum, she scrutinized him. “Easy for you to say.”

Geez. Sophie was all thorns. Her blooms weren’t just under tempered glass; they were locked up more securely than the Crown Jewels. Not even a special ops team could get to them. Which only encouraged Mitch to try harder. There was just something about her.

Even her thorns were beautiful.

Sophie scanned his face, eyes narrowed. “What’s your angle? The wholetwenty questions,let’s be bestiesact is a lot.”

“Someone really hurt you, didn’t they?”

Her jaw hardened further.Ding, ding, ding.

“Is it so hard to believe that I want to get to know you? You know, there’s this thing now. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it. It’s called, ah, now let me get this right… friendship? Yeah. Strange, you know, but I thought it could be fun to try.”

“You know what I think would be a good idea?” She cocked her head, then turned back to her computer. “Getting back to work.”

And Anderson takes this round…

* * *


Eva turned to Levi, who was, of course, gleeful. “You’re enjoying this far too much.”

“Oh, let them have some fun.”

“They’re supposed to be falling for each other, not fighting.”

“Oh?” Levi slid his arms around her waist and pulled her close enough to kiss her. It was an unfair advantage. He knew what it did to her. “I’d think you’d remember how we first fell in love, baby.”
