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Sebastian brushes the hair away from my neck, pressing a slow kiss there.

A pleased sigh escapes me.

Strong arms pull me tighter, his body a hot, hard wall I’m plastered against. On another sigh, I let my head fall back against his shoulder, floating. Sebastian runs his fingers gently between my breasts. Tender, like he’s admiring an antique.

He grazes his lips along my shoulders, convincing them to stay, then flattens his palm to my collarbone, fingertips brushing my throat. Holding me in place.

His voice is a rumble, deep and raspy and utterlyruinous. If I wasn’t already willingly at his mercy, it would only take one word from him in that voice to convince me.

“Want me to fuck you anyway?”

I arch into him, pushing against his cock, feeling his moan ripple through me.


The mirror squeals as I wipe away the steam from my shower. I’m not sure why I’m expecting my reflection to look different, but I’m suddenly analyzing the hook of my nose, my hooded lids, my widow’s peak.

It’s the same familiar face, the same me. Except it’s not.

This Bee doesn’t want to hide anymore. It’s taken time and getting dragged through the damn lesson plan like an unwilling pup, but I’m finally done with pretending.

I’ve shed that mask.

It might be the same old face, but I finally feel like a new me.

I flatten my palm against my tattoo, closing my eyes. Because this is the destination I’ve been dreaming of.




It’s every time he grasps my wrist, tugging my hand over to his, pulling me into him. It’s the long looks, where it feels as though he’s seeing inside me, shining a light on all the hidden parts and gently cherishing them. It’s the way he fucking says my name. One syllable suddenly means so much more. Meanssentences, stanzas, odysseys’ worth of sentiment and desire. It’s how my body responds to him, heart ballooning in my chest, too big for my body to hold, until I’m floating on him.

I’ve never felt quite so whole before. Never been able to see myself as the sum of my parts. Only the good bits and the bad bits. But Sebastian has never treated me that way. When he looks at me, takes care of me, kisses me, it doesn’t feel like he’s choosing a version of me that he wants. I’ve never been loved so completely before. Maybe not even by myself. But he inspires me to try. To view myself with more compassion than I’ve allowed before. Compassion I freely offer everyone else but never turned inward. Knowing that he also can’t see himself clearly? That he could ever think his faults would outweigh how incredibly kind and passionate he is? It’s inconceivable to me.

My head makes a dull thud as it falls back against the wall, and I groan as the realization takes hold. Because this is serious, and there’s only one thing left to do.

Tell my brother.

Aiden idles in our kitchen, and as usual, I’m nervous. Having anyone else in “our space” always makes me wonder if they can tell what Sebastian and I mean to each other.

Is it as obvious to them as it is to me?

Today’s nerves are due to something new, though. It would actually be easier if Aiden could tell that Sebastianand I are in love just by looking, because it would save me from actually telling him.


“Is honey bee vomit or bee shit?”

Holding the spoon halfway to my mouth, I glare at my brother. “You’re disgusting.”

His answering smile is wide. “You’re the one eating it out of the jar.”

If he thinks he’s putting me off, he’s mistaken. This honey is incredible. The next time I visit Cassie, I need to bring her a gift. Instead of responding, I smile around the spoon.

“Actually, it’s neither,” Sebastian informs us as he walks in. He’s got his bar back uniform on. I’m transfixed until Aiden clears his throat, jolting me out of my perusal. Fuck.
