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Guys haven’t been on my radar for a while now. My last date was, shit, April of last year, so that made it almost ten months now? It had started as breakfast and turned into a hookup, and that was all there was of that. He was all right: good refractory period, nice kisser. But he didn’t kiss me anywhere that wasn’t my mouth—my neck is right there; I mean, come on—and didn’t like giving head.

Wish I’d known that at breakfast.

Sebastian probably gave great?—

You know what? No. I’m not even going there. We are roommates now. Co-homeowners. And I will not think about it.

The TV is still on as I make my way to the kitchen to wash my plate. A calm voice is describing how bison males fight for possession of the females. As the sink fills with bubbles, I imagine Aiden attempting to battleanyone, and all I can think about is how he always watchedSmackDownwhen he babysat me and would act out different bits to make me laugh.

What a dork.

“What’s funny?”

Bubbles spit back at me when I drop my plate in surprise, and I brush them off with the back of my wrist.

“I was just remembering when Aiden would impersonate Cena when I was a kid.”

“Of course he picked Cena. He must have watched that CM Punk match a hundred times.”

He adds his plate to the sink, and I wait for him to leave, but he picks up the hand towel and waits. Of course he has to be considerate on top of everything. Because my life isn’t chaotic enough.

“It took me years to work out that you weren’t supposed to shout ‘You can’t see me’ during hide and seek.”

Sebastian tips his head forward as he laughs.

Oh. Right.

I love his laugh.

Sometimes throaty, always deep. When Aiden reallygets him going, he can get a little wheezy, like he’s struggling to breathe. I’ve always enjoyed hearing it, but damn, being the cause of it might be my new favorite thing.

It pulls me closer, draws my own smile so wide that I have to corral it back to less-fanatical levels.

I’d forgotten how easy it was to be under his spell. At this rate, I’ll have to move out to avoid full-scale hypnosis.

As I pass him a plate, he adds, “Nice gloves.”

I look down at my dish-washing gloves. They’re bright teal with happy lemons everywhere. “Thanks.”

I don’t mention that they’re one of three pairs I currently have stashed away in my room, all specific for their purpose. Green for the kitchen, blue for the bathroom, and pink for the toilet (stored in their own zip bag because there’s no way in any universe that I’m cross-contaminating my toilet cleaning supplies with everything else. I’m not a heathen).

Keeping the stress cleaning from him will be an interesting feat, especially since there’s a strong chance I’ll be getting up in the middle of the night to clear out the cobweb I’ve just noticed at the top of the window.

Sebastian and I might own a house together, but some things should remain a mystery.

Instead, I pass him the last plate and watch as he dries, my knees getting weak when he licks his lower lip. My dirty, traitorous mind returns to the question I cut off earlier.

He catches me looking and heat rushes to my cheeks.

“Yes?” He turns his head, and my mouth goes dry. “Was there something you wanted to say?”

“It’s strange,” I say, returning my attention to the sinkand draining the water. “Having someone to help wash up. We always used the dishwasher at home, but for the last five years, I guess I’ve gotten used to doing everything by myself.”

I wipe down the sides of the sink as Sebastian puts the now dry plates away.

“It’s nice,” I add, because for as strange as this whole situation is, it’s true.

He chuckles, but when I turn to him, he’s shaking his head. “I almost didn’t get to have this. And it’s because of you that I do. Thank you.”

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