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The questions continue. If I’m honest, I assumed they were a tactic, a way for Bee to ease into exploring the attraction between us, or at least even the playing field so she didn’t feel so exposed by suddenly sharing so much of what she was used to keeping hidden.

And truthfully, I get it. If it wasn’t for my shitstorm of an experience growing up, it probably would have taken me a lot longer to gain mydon’t give a fuckattitude. But when you realize that living loud and proud is the best middle finger you’ve got, it’s hard to go back.

I’m looking forward to the day Bee realizes that.

When she does, she’ll be a force to be reckoned with.

“Where did you say you found these questions?”

“I didn’t.”

She smiles down at her phone. Those damn pajama shorts are driving me nuts. Flimsy leopard print that end up mostly hidden under the oversized sweaters she pairs them with.

Actually, that’s a lie.

Bee could rock head-to-toe lemon velour and I’d still be going out of my mind. Yesterday. I got home from work to find her dancing in the kitchen while she reheated leftovers. Lost to the world with her earbuds in, eyes closed, mouthing along, swinging her hips a little to and fro.

It was all I could think about.

I kiss her to avoid answering, skirting my fingers under her shirt until she gasps into my mouth. “I’m going to get the answer out of you.”

“Not a chance.” She pulls back. “Now answer the question.”

I lower my hands to the counter on either side of her, distracted by her reddened lips.

“Physically or intellectually?”

Bee tilts her head to consider it. “Physically.”

She’s up on the counter again, while I stir the beef I’m preparing for pie filling. I’ve already scratched kitchen stools off the list because I like having her this close, ready and waiting when I need to touch her, which is often.

“I think you already know.”

She sighs so perfectly when I capture her mouth. It’s my smile, but I’ll let her imagination fill in whatever she wants.

“Are you going to answer any of these seriously?”

“Of course.” I kiss her again. “Once you stop asking ones that make me want to kiss you.” Which will be never. “Now it’s your turn. Best quality.”

As expected, she retreats, dropping her eyes and picking at the hem of her shorts. “I’m a good listener.”

It’s true, but it’s far from her best quality. To be fair, I’d have a hard time picking just one, so maybe I can’t judge.

“You’re so?—”

“Don’t.” It’s not playful anymore. “Please don’t say cute. I always get that, and I’m sick of it. Dogs in clothes are cute. Little kids playing dress-up are cute. I want to be…”

I slide my fingers down her throat, stroking her collarbone. “Sexy.”

“Yes,” she says, breathless.

I continue down, teasing her nipple through her shirt. “Gorgeous.”


Placing both hands on her thighs, I slide my thumbs under the hem of her shorts.

Her breath hitches.
