Page 133 of Of Mischief and Mages

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It didn’t make sense. I shook my head and turned back to the note. “I’ve left the tears of the elder tree, clever word for dull sap, but it’s there all the same. I suspect we’ll meet again when our fates must cross at the proper moment. All my heart belongs to you lot. Gaina.”

My face pinched. I readied to insist we go out searching for thewoman. No mistake, there was the underlying notion that something had gone on to take Gaina away.

What if Destin had gotten to her for aiding us?

Instead, I focused, I forced myself to keep my mind clear with the task at hand. “We need to prepare this potion. I’d like to end this and get to living.”

A Castof Hope

Flower of Remembrance (look to the land of elves)

Leaves must be chopped by an esteemed elven blade,boil roots until sea blue.

Venom of a Basilisk

Ten drops, stirred thrice

Ten drops, boiled until pungent

Blood of a Sacrifice (look inward. No more than a tippin size)

Salt of the land(Best gathered near the sea, half a spoonful)

Tears of the elder tree,half a vial (for potency, stir in with basilisk venom)
