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It took a moment, a few breaths, before words ricocheted around me, swallowing me whole. A simple response of, “I’ll keep him until you find us again.”

My cheek stung. Callused fingers tapped at my skin. I tried to swat whoever kept touching me away.

“Wake up.Dammit.” Another pat on my cheek. “Wake. Up.”

Lashes fluttered; I cracked my eyes and looked into the striking, coal-heated eyes of a man.

Of a thief.

I jolted upright, scrambling back from the prince’s brother. His gaze narrowed, but was haggard, a little bloodshot. Still, he sat back on his knees, eyeing me as I put distance between us.

“What happened?”

Prince Destin stepped around the table. With a bit of caution, he lowered into a crouch. “You . . . you fainted. After touching the arm ring, you fell back and?—”

“Started moaning,” finished his brother, almost tauntingly.

Heat flushed through my cheeks. “I . . . saw things. People.”

“Who?” The prince asked, eyes wide.

“I-I-I don’t know. It was all so fast.” I pressed my fingers against my skull, rolling gentle circles around my head. “Mostly voices. I think I saw when I got these.”

I wiggled my fingers.

“Did you see anything about the crowns?”

“No. Nothing.” I blinked my eyes open. “Sorry, I’m hazy.”

In truth, I’d be content to sleep for ten years.

“Of course, Lady Adira.” Destin wore a smile, but his shoulders visibly slumped in disappointment. Doubtless, the prince was hoping to find answers straightaway. “To have power flood through you in such a way is exhausting.”

“This proves nothing,” Prince Kage said, voice rough. “Only that she is a mage for withstanding the wards of the ring.”

Destin cleared his throat. “Your doubt is tiresome, brother, but alas, you will not be the only one. I suggest we ignite the Flames of the Blood once Torrent fades.”

“What are the Flames of the Blood?”

Kage arched a brow, ignoring me. “Not a bad thought.”

“It’s been known to happen.” Destin chuckled and took another gulp from his drinking horn.

“Excuse me.” I drummed my fingers on the table. “What are these flames?”

“A spell cast that is done for young mages when they earn their house or rank brands.” Destin patted behind his shoulder, on his back.

The coiled snake on my back prickled.

“The flames will burn over the flesh, but they do not scorch. They reveal the constellation of the bloodline markings. It’s rather beautiful, really. Each house, from the common mage to royal, have unique designs in their blood. They will hang colors and banners at marriages and century celebrations for the elder mages.”

Sounds a great deal like a thumbprint or clan emblem.

“If you’re of House Ravenwood,” said the thieving prince in his stupidly captivating voice. “The flames will reveal it.”

“It doesn’t burn?” I grimaced. Now was not the time to show weakness. There was a bully of a prince nearby who’d exploit it.

“No, it won’t.” At long last the crown prince smiled. “You must be weary from all your journeys, Lady Adira. Rest, wait out the storm with us in Briar Keep. Allow me to offer you the old chambers of House Ravenwood.”
