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I wanted to hide the truth that in this moment, his aggravating, thieving stepbrother’s face flashed through my mind.

“My prince!” The door clattered open. Gwyn, dressed in her simple gown with a red scarf intricately woven through her hair atop her head, rushed inside. “Praise the goddess, we’ve been searching for you.”

Destin took a step back. “What is it?”

“One of the bridges in the east knolls snapped again. The architects are bickering. It’s close to throwing spells, My Lord.”

The prince cursed under his breath, combing his fingers through his golden hair. With a tender smile, he cupped one side of my face. “Forgive me, Adira, I must tend to this.”

“Of course,” I gritted out through the ache in my belly.

“I wonder if you might dine with me later. We can finish ourconversation.”

Another mute nod, another false smile, and the prince abandoned the room of maps, leaving me with alone with Gwyn.

The instant she was convinced Destin was gone, she rushed to my side. “How long?”


“How long have you been in pain?”

“How . . . how did you know.”

“First, you’re paler than a damn sea pearl. Second, I have my reasons to suspect. How long?”

“It began a few minutes ago.”

Gwyn’s mouth tightened. She stroked some of my damp hair off my brow. “I’ve a horse waiting for you in the wood. Hurry before the prince realizes it is a ruse.”

My breath caught. “You lied?”

“It was the only way to get you alone. Now, hurry. Sleipnir is a restless steed and does not like to be parted from the cottage long.”

“Gwyn, tell me what you’re doing,” I said in protest when she gripped my elbow and shoved me out the door toward the trees.

Once we were concealed by tall, spindly aspens she spun on me. “You share a connection. This is proof that his pain is yours to bear, as yours is his. I don’t understand why, but if you wish to find relief, then find him.”

She pulled back a thick, low hanging branch. Tethered to a tree was a horse with an ebony coat, so dark it looked more shadow than beast.

With grunts and huffs, the horse stomped its hooves, nickering and shaking its dark mane.


Beside the black horse, Hugo adjusted a fur blanket over another spotted horse with a braided, silver tail.

“Lady Adira.” Hugo beamed, flashing the small gap between his teeth. “I’m to escort you.”

“You lied to the prince?”

“I’m a Soturi Metallurgist, My Lady. But my underlying talents make me a bit of an empath.” Hugo kicked his gaze toward Gwyn. “She speaks true. You are taking on emotions of another. I can feel it.Such connections are done through promises and spells of an eternal nature. I only wish to help you, and have no desire to worry our prince until we know more.”

“Good hell, you lot like to sugarcoat everything. What are you saying?”

“You’re joined to another soul, Adira,” Gwyn said. “And while romantic and lovely in most cases, I’m not certain why it is happening now, nor if it is for your benefit. Hugo will escort you.”

Before I could protest, Hugo and his tree trunk arms plucked me off the ground and practically tossed me onto the back of Sleipnir, then swung his leg over his own charge.

Gwyn patted the horse’s neck and lifted her gaze to me. “There is another who is hurting and lost and confused. Do not let him leave until you speak honestly about what is happening to you both.”
