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My body trembled against his chest. One arm encircled my waist, the other still covered my mouth.

“Keep still,” he whispered. “It’s going to get very dark.”

Without a word, the shadows of the alcove played games, dancing and jumping like demons beside a flame. Darkness as heavy as a quilt enveloped us in the safety of the notch. From our hiding place, I watched more Kappi burst into the corridor.

They inspected their gagging men, then pounded on the door, calling for Prince Kage. When no one responded, one man broke the lock with a wordless spell, and entered.

“Almost over,” Kage whispered.

Another breath, another, then the guard slowly backed out of the room, pleading for forgiveness.

“Well?” asked another.

“Prince is there . . . but he’s, well, he’s occupied.”

The guards frowned but helped the two I’d choked to their feet. “Eyes peeled. There are tricks about.”

Each man made their way to the staircase, aiding their stumbling companions. Kage pulsed a squeeze to my hip. “We have a moment to slip away before a new pair returns.”

He didn’t pause before taking my hand and dragging me into another room and closing the door at our backs.

“What just happened? They saw you in your room.”

“Ofskyhallucinations,” Kage explained. “Gwyn always puts one in place so I can wander freely. Sounds as though she made it quite scandalous.”

I snorted a laugh. “Why did you want to wander?”

Kage glanced over his shoulder. “I should think it was obvious.”

Gentle heat tickled the front of my throat. “You thought you’d come find me?”

“Planned to be a rather magnanimous hero and rescue you from the tower.” He leaned casually against the wall. “You ruined my moment.”

“Good, because I came to rescueyou.”

“Yes, I saw. Impressive. You almost had the movement spell.”

My eyes tightened to slits. “You moved the smoke? Dammit.”

“It was you. Mostly,” he said, one corner of his lips curled in a smirk. “I merely gave it the final shove. You’re learning quickly.”

Movement outside the door urged us to step into one of the prince’s adjoining bedrooms in his wing. Empty but for a few sleeping figures.

“Should we wake them?” I glanced at Gwyn curled against Cy’s big arm. Asger was sprawled out like a starfish, snoring.

“Depends on what plans are rolling about in your head.”

I spun into Kage, no reservation, and crashed my mouth to his. I kissed him, deep and greedy, then pulled back, reveling in his look of stun. “I came for you, those are my plans.”

“You are afraid of me,” he said, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. “I saw it in your face.”

“I’m not, Kage. I don’t know what happened,” I admitted. “It was as though something pulled me from you, and had me questioning you.”

“Possible suggestion spells.”


“There are spells that suggest new beliefs to a mind, confusing it to think something new.”
