Page 21 of Unpretty

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A savage rage howls through me and I want to snatch the phone away from her and crush it to dust. My pulse pounds in my ears and I miss her side of the conversation, but after just a few moments Penny hangs up the phone.

Turning to me she attempts to smile, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Looks like I won’t be able to join you at the strawberry festival tomorrow. I’m being summoned to the gala,” she says with an apologetic shrug. Her arms are crossed in front of her, and her posture makes me think she wants to disappear.

Reaching out, I tug her arms open, clutching her hands tightly in mine.

“Looks like webothhave a gala to attend then,” I stress the word, and just like that, her smile returns.

“Really?” she whispers in awe.

“The only place I want to be is wherever you are.” I swoop in to taste her candy apple lips.

Chapter Twelve


“You stay right there. I’m coming around to get you,” Christian declares, as we pull up in front of the museum where the gala is being held. He drops a quick kiss on my lips before exiting the limo, and I take a moment to double-check my hair in the mirror, making sure it looks okay. For some odd reason, when I went to get ready, I couldn’t find my hairbrush anywhere.So strange, maybe Chaos ate it…

When he came to pick me up, I was completely shocked to see him hop out of the back of a shiny black limousine wearing an exquisite black tuxedo. I usually slink into the back of these events, then do my best to blend in with the wallpaper, but right now I feel like a princess.

My door opens, and a hand appears, palm out, ready to help me step from the fancy car. Grasping Christian’s hand like a lifeline, I take a deep breath, then scoot to the edge, beforeplacing my foot on the ground. Stepping out, I wobble a bit, unused to wearing heels, but Christian’s warm hand and steady presence keep me on my feet.

“I’ve got you, Little Bird,” he says, grinning at me as he threads my arm through his.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I murmur, pressing myself into his side as we walk into the building. My throat is dry, and I can feel my hands trembling with anxiety. It’s been a while since I’ve seen my family, and they were none too pleased about my inheritance. Gran had left me almost everything she had—except for the house my parents had bought her and her vintage car, which Lizzy had always adored.

Attempting to calm my nerves, I take in the building’s beauty. Immaculate marble floors sparkle, leading to a grand winding staircase. The high ceilings and perfectly white walls amplify the uniqueness of the artwork that’s displayed all around. It is breathtaking. Looking at the signs, I see my father is being honored with a lifetime achievement award; I guess it makes sense now why they insisted that I be trotted out for the occasion.

“Did you know he was being honored?” Christian asks.

“No, they just told me I was required to be here. Hopefully, I won’t be needed for pictures or statements. I hate being in the spotlight,” I mention.

Christian twirls me around until I’m facing him. His big hand reaches up to grasp my chin, tilting my head until I can gaze into his deep blue eyes.

“You look stunning, and any pictures will only make you shine. And I’m here. I won’t let anyone make you feel like less than the beautiful, kind, generous, and incredible woman you are.” Unable to respond, I try to look down at the ground, but Christian won’t let me. It’s like he can see that I still don’t believe in my own self-worth.

“Penny,” he sighs, touching our foreheads together and letting our breath mingle. “I love you, inside and out.”

His deep voice sends shivers down my spine, and with the lust in his tone, I believe him. His lips crash down on mine as he presses our bodies together intimately. Losing myself to his touch and his taste, my body relaxes.

Someone coughs purposefully by our side and we split apart, trying to behave in the stuffy atmosphere. Servers in crisp white shirts circulate with trays, some laden with food, others with drinks. We snag some champagne flutes and wander through the beautiful space, sipping, laughing, and appreciating the artwork.

“This one reminds me of Chaos,” he jokes, stopping at a painting of a very rotund man surrounded by an enormous table of food.

A sudden laugh bubbles up, causing the champagne I had been sipping to burn my nose. Clapping a hand across my mouth, I avoid spitting out the liquid and causing a scene.

“W-w-why?” I stutter, amused.

“That little goat would eat anything. He tried to eat my shoelaces last time I was over and I’m certain that his life goal is to be a chunker,” he elaborates, and I can’t contain a small giggle.

“You’re so silly. I’ve never actually had fun at a gala before, but really, they aren’t so bad if you’re with the right company,” I admit, lifting up onto my toes to plant a kiss on his mouth.

His calloused fingers run down my face, tracing the curve of my neck. Little pulses of electricity race through me at his touch. My body responds immediately; my panties dampen and my nipples pucker, craving more. I’ve only recently lost my virginity, but I’m dying to feel him inside me again. Longing for the sensation of stretching around him, the pleasure of our bodies connecting.

“How much longer do you think we need to stay?” I ask huskily.

“I’m ready to leave whenever you are. You look amazing in this dress… but I can’t wait to tear it off you and then lick your pussy until you’re screaming my name.” He groans, dropping his face to nuzzle my neck.
