Page 25 of Unpretty

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Christian’s searing gaze sends tingles to my pussy as he worms his body closer to mine on the pretty red and white checkered blanket. He cups my cheek and brings his lips to mine in a scorching kiss. Wolf whistles break out around us, and I can feel my cheeks flame.

We are sitting in a beautiful clearing, nestled together on a picnic blanket, waiting for the fireworks to begin. After the disastrous gala, we got changed and decided a relaxing night of fun was just the ticket. So here we are at the Lustre Strawberry Festival; playing games, eating all the yummy strawberry-flavored desserts and now waiting for strawberry fireworks.

My head rests heavily on Christian’s shoulder, and peace washes over me. We are watching the stars appear in the night sky when a tiny red body comes sprinting toward us and leaps onto my chest. The excited and wriggling dachshund licks my face and I let out a high-pitched squeak of surprise.

“Hot Dog. What the hell?” Christian grumbles, grabbing the little furball and holding him tight. My fingers stroke his soft ears and he calms immediately.

“Why hello, who are you?” I ask him, presenting my hand for him to sniff. A stunning, dark-haired woman approaches us, followed by a burly man. She gives me a sunny smile and the man trailing behind her furrows his brows, frowning.

“Sorry Rosie!” she calls. “I think he just got so excited to see you.”

My mouth opens to tell her I’m not, in fact, Rosie; but Christian beats me to the punch.

“Hey, Tilly. Drew,” he says, standing and then helping me to my feet. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Penelope.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Tilly says, her eyes scrutinizing my face. “You just look similar. She’s the town vet, and Hot Dog is just obsessed with her.”

Shrugging, I find myself at a loss for words.

“Well, it’s so nice to meet you!” Tilly bubbles on, “Are you guys enjoying the festival?”

“It’s been amazing! I can’t wait to see these shaped fireworks,” I say cheerfully, finding her sunny nature infectious. Hot Dog paws at my leg and I pick him up, giving him some scratchies. He leans into them and lets out the cutest noise, almost a purr.

Drew lets out a big belly laugh. “Found someone else to give you attention, huh?” he asks, slinging his arm around Tilly and pulling her to his side, nuzzling her cheek affectionately.

“Well, we better go before the fireworks start,” Drew grumps while Tilly reaches out her arms for the sweet little ball of fur and I hand him over.

“Nice to meet you all,” I chirp.

“You, too! We’ll all need to get together for a double date soon. I never thought I would see the day Christian would use the word girlfriend,” she says, giving a little wave as Drew leads her toward the parked cars. Hmm, I wonder why they aren’t staying…

Christin wraps his arms around my waist and distracts me. His body heat sears into my back as he nibbles the nape of my neck.

“Girlfriend, huh?” I giggle.

“Most definitely girlfriend. Soulmate.Mine.” He says gruffly in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. My heart soars at his words, and I snuggle back into him. He holds me close, just standing there wrapped around me as the sky continues to grow darker.

“Hey, down in the front, big brother!” A light voice calls from behind us. We turn to see a short woman walking our way. She has red hair that shines, looking like a flame in the twilight and as she gets closer, I can make out more of her features, especially her gleeful grin.

“Penelope, meet the baby of my family, Kenna,” he says. Oh, wow, we’ve been saying hello to so many of Christian’s friends and neighbors throughout the night, but I’m still shocked to be meeting his sister. A lump forms in my throat as my nerves get the better of me.

But she doesn’t seem to notice, and she walks right over and gives me an enormous hug before whispering in my ear, “I’ve never seen him so happy.”

Tears jump to my eyes, but I quickly blink them back as we all settle down on the blanket to watch the fireworks. Christian sitsme on his lap like I belong there, his scent mixing with the fresh mountain air. It smells so good that I wish I could bottle this moment.

We chat with Kenna for a few moments, but then the fireworks light up the night sky, the bangs exploding through the clearing. Melodies trickle from the speakers around the clearing as purples, reds, and blues dance with the stars, making shapes and beauty. This moment is everything that I never thought I deserved.

The crowd cheers as red and green strawberries shoot into the air, and I gasp with delight. They really did it. Perfect strawberry-shaped fireworks—Lustre Lake is something else. As the finale hits and the music soars, I look away to stare at Christian’s face just as he turns to look at me. The love in his eyes is so clear, so real.I have completely fallen for this man.

Our lips touch in the most sensual of kisses, pouring our feelings into one another. No words are necessary; the love washing over me is indescribable. Together, we are invincible.

With one last pop, the fireworks conclude and the people around us rise to their feet to gather their things, but Christian doesn’t want to let go of me.

“Hey, lovebirds, let’s get going before we get trampled,” Kenna giggles, and Christian releases me. We stand and shake out the blanket, quickly folding it up.

Following the throngs of people, we make our way toward the cars, Kenna chattering as we go. Christian’s sister seems so sweet that I can’t help but wish I had one just like her.

“KENNA,” a shriek pierces through the crowd, causing us all to whip around.
