Page 27 of Unpretty

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“Go with them. Make sure they get home safe,” I command Tucker. Honestly, it’s the least he can do after fucking this up so badly.

My arms wrap around Penny, pulling her close. The sweet apple scent of her shampoo floods my nose and I breathe her in. Slowly, her hands come up and circle my body, clasping together at the small of my back. My panic begins to recede, and I’m so fucking thankful that she isn’t running from me.

“Are you okay, little bird?” I ask, needing to hear her voice.

“Maybe?” she answers honestly, holding tight against me. “I’m not really sure how to wrap my mind around it.”

“I’m sorry I stole your brush,” I whisper into her hair. She pulls back, her eyes round with surprise.

“My blue one?” she asks. I nod, and her lips quirk into a tiny smile. My heart soars, maybe just maybe, we’ll get through this.

“You jerk. I’ve been looking for that everywhere. I thought Chaos ate it.” Her eyes twinkle, and she holds my hand as we walk back toward the cars.

I walk her over to hers, wishing that our night wasn’t ending this way.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay over tonight?” I implore, leaning against the door of my truck, the one she’s still driving.

“I can’t,” she sighs. “The animals all need a bit of TLC and you have my car to fix tomorrow.”

She’s not wrong, but I can’t help but feel like letting her leave right now is going to be the biggest mistake of my life. It’s been quite a day between the gala and her finding out about her twin.

“But we’re good, right?” I can’t help the insecurity that creeps into my voice. We’ve only known each other for a short time, but she’s quickly become the most important part of my life.

“We are,” she murmurs. “I’m just tired, and I need a bit of time to process.”

She stands on tiptoes and presses a gentle kiss against my lips before stepping back. I push off the truck, then open the door for her, offering my hand to help her step up.

“Text me when you get home,” I command, “and drive safe.”

“Yes, Sir,” she says, giving me a cheeky salute before starting the engine. I push the door close and watch the taillights disappear down the street with a pit in my stomach. She took that way too well…

And also—she was my ride home. Shit.

The crunch of gravel echoes around me as my brother steps to my side.

“Well, that was a clusterfuck,” he grumbles.

“Rosie and Briar get going okay?”

“Yeah, Kenna offered to drive them home. B was a mess, though. You need a lift?” Tucker offers.

“If you don’t mind,” I say, eagerly taking him up on the offer. It’s been a long ass day, and I’ve got no desire to walk all the way home.

“Jeez man, I feel like a dick,” he gripes as we get into his police cruiser. “I never even thought about what it would mean for Briar. I was only focused on Penny and Rosie being happy to find their long-lost twin and shit.”

“Yeah, me too. We just need to be there for them as they work through it. I hope I don’t lose Penelope,” I confide, heart in my throat.

“Did she seem angry with you?” he asks, turning on the car.

“No, she seemed fine, and that has me even more worried.” I share as we pull out. She clearly hasn’t processed everything, and when she does…

It all needs to be okay. I will find a way to fix this… somehow.

Chapter Sixteen


Christian: Good Morning, little bird. Miss you.
