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I had paused before I answered him, I could have just kissed him, but that didn’t give him an answer. I liked him, and I wanted him naked in my bed, fucking me hard and slow and everything in between. I wanted to feel his stubbled hair grazing the inside of my thighs. I wanted him to cuddle me when I fell and tell me he didn’t care that I was partially deaf.

“Yes. I have no idea how I go from your landlady to your lover. I’ve never had a serious relationship.”

“Neither have I, we can make this up as we go along.”

“There’s never been a girlfriend?”

I didn’t believe him, he was handsome, kind and gave great hugs. Why the hell wouldn’t he have a girlfriend?

“There have been women, casual, nothing serious. I haven’t stayed in the country long enough to have a relationship. I have dated, but only a few times. I tell them I don’t stay around for long and they’re ok with that.”

He sneaked an arm around my back and tugged me closer. My breasts squashed against his chest. I’d never been this comfortable with a man before. I wanted to blurt out my hearing problem, I desperately wanted to know if he was ok with it.

But, I didn’t have the courage.

“Well, I bet there are many broken hearts all over Brighton that you didn’t stick around. I can’t believe your phone hasn’t rung now you’re back.” I said.

“One has contacted me, but I haven’t answered. Gabby’s organising a school reunion, and I don’t want to go. All that small talk with people I no longer know. They were mean to me when I was in school, and I have no desire to see them again.”

He crumpled up his face in disgust. I shuffled my arms from my sides that he’d encased and flattened out his frown. I didn’t ask why they were mean to him, maybe I should have asked but my school days were vicious too. No one wanted to chat with the genius. They mistook my intelligence for mind reading. I didn’t know what they were thinking. I was smart enough to pick up on body language and nuances. Attending an all girls school taught me more than maths, English, and the sciences. It taught me to wear a thick skin and to remove your earrings when you fought one of the sixth formers.

“Then don’t go, I’ve never been to any of mine, they hated me too. Steph was my best friend from school and the only person who didn’t use my IQ as a weapon to beat me with.”

“How smart are you?”

“Super smart, but not for choosing tenants it seems,” I waited for his mock outrage and gave him a wink as I left the comfort of his cuddle.

“I have the answer to your question if you’re interested in hearing it,” he said.

“Which question?”

“How you go from being my landlady to my lover,” he said. He’d blocked my path so I couldn’t escape onto the veranda. His large body blocked the doorway. I contemplated going out of my front door but he was taking me to my parent’s house, and I would have to face him in the van.


“Go on a date with me,” he asked. His forearms were above his head, resting on the door frame.

“A date?” I said, playing for time.

“Four dates, I’d like you to commit to going on four dates. Just so you know, I’d like to fuck you after the first date.”

“Which four dates would you like to take me on?”

I couldn’t care what they were, he wanted to fuck me and soon. I was dancing for joy on the inside.

“Tonight, because I can’t wait any longer,” he said and held up one finger. “My school reunion,” he held up the second. “The charity ball,” he held up a third finger. “And New Year’s Eve.”

“When is the reunion?”

“Next week, will you come?”

“I don’t know, will you make me come?”

His eyes widened, and my heart skittered across my chest. I’d never been that forward with a man. Callum’s eyes turned to fire and lust in the time I took to take a breath.

“I may not have had a relationship, but I know how to satisfy a woman. If you say yes, you’ll find out tonight. Say yes.”

“Yes,” I said.
