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“That’s right. I don’t care if we stay in. I can run you a bath to relax your muscles. While you’re soaking in hot water with bubbles up to your neck, I’ll be cooking you dinner. Spaghetti Bolognese, you’re favourite. I’ll even bring you wine and scrub your back. We are having a date, now let’s get moving.”

Adaline may have not agreed to my terms, but she swivelled on her seat and snapped the seatbelt into place. I closed her passenger door and jogged around the front of the van to drive us home. She didn’t notice the brand new shop front door as I opened it to let her through. Her subdued nature had me thinking the collision earlier had affected her more than I had first thought. We entered through my flat. Adaline went ahead onto the veranda and into her flat. I rummaged through the freezer to see what I could make when I saw Adaline traipse past my kitchen window. I closed the freezer and went into the living room to find her lying on the sofa, snuggled under the duvet she’d dragged from her bedroom. Her hair was still perfectly styled as she lay there staring at the TV. She hadn’t turned it on. I pulled over the foot stood to where her head lay and stroked her forehead.

“Are you all right?”

“My life’s a colossal mess. I’m twenty-eight years old and I live hand to mouth. My stupid pride is getting in my way.” She muttered.

Her eyes downcast. When I stopped stroking her forehead she whined. I carried on, thinking of what to say to her confession. I didn’t think her life was a mess. She seemed to have her life sorted. If anyone’s life was a mess, it was mine. I couldn’t stay in the country for longer than two months before I got itchy feet and needed to go back overseas and save a school.

“You are the most together person I know. You love searching for your treasure for your customers. You own the roof over your head. I feed you. What more could you want?”

“Well, sex would be nice,” she said and moved her head to look at me.


She laughed. It was a wondrous sound, and I’d caused it.

“I was joking. If I said yes, would you have sex with me?” She asked, her voice confident but her eyes searched my face.

“Without hesitation. You’re a beautiful, sassy, smart woman. The mere sound of your gravely sexy voice has me hard in minutes. I’m wondering what you’re doing giving me the time of day.”

She looked at me, searching my face. Pushing down the duvet, I saw that she had already changed into her pyjamas. She sat up and turned, so her knees were snug in between my parted legs. Adaline took my hands in hers.

“You’re a handsome man, Callum, why the fuck would you want to have a relationship with me?”

“Who said anything about a relationship, I only want sex,” I said.

I dodged her slap to my chest and brought her onto my lap holding her tight.

“What are we going to do, neither of us have any idea what to do next?” I said and felt ridiculous that I had a beautiful woman on my lap asking for sex and we were still clothed.

“How old are you?” She asked me.

“Thirty. I should know better as the older one, but I don’t have a fucking clue. Are you willing to wait until I find out how to be a boyfriend?”

“Maybe, depends if you can give amazing orgasms,” she said and chuckled into my chest.

“Would you like to find out?”

I asked, I took the plunge and decided to make her mine. She just needed to say yes.


This was when my fantasy came to life. The decision to smudge the lines of tenant and landlady. We’d probably shimmied over that line weeks ago but this moment was the definitive moment. My mouth watered with nerves. I had never wanted to be perfect until this moment. Too many insecurities came to the surface, and for a split second, I thought about saying no.

“Yes, I want to find out,” I told him and sat up straighter so that my mouth was a breath away.

He tilted his head to kiss me. Pressing his lips to mine. My stomach tightened as I clenched my muscles. While he kissed me, he stood and placed me on my feet. Once he’d steadied me, he walked away, talking in my ear to stay still and keep my eyes closed. I waited but opened one eye to see what he was doing. He’d gone out onto the veranda toward my flat and came back a few minutes later. He locked his patio doors, and I shut my eye before he turned.

In one sweeping motion, he lifted me into his arms and carried me out of the living room and into his bedroom, turning the lights off as he went. Callum nibbled and kissed my neck until we collapsed onto the bed. He left the bed and stood at the bottom to undress. He made quick work and was naked in less than thirty seconds. In the twilight that shone through the window, the contours of his body were mesmerising. Callum’s body was beautifully sculpted. I knew he spent a few hours a day running, swimming, and cycling. I was there to see him train. The hard work paid off. I could stare at him for hours, and I did, every day while he trained for the triathlon.

I unbuttoned the top button of my pyjamas.

“Don’t, I want to undress you,” he said and crawled onto the bed to lie beside me.

I dropped my hands to the bed and sat, waiting for his next request. He tugged me down to be at his level, and he pushed me to lie on my back. His head was level with mine. He hummed tunelessly while he played with the buttons on my shirt. The anticipation of his fingers dancing over my skin thrilled me. Thinking about Callum fucking me consumed my thoughts day and night for the last month. Now we would be intimate, I wanted to wait a little longer, prolong the tease.
