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“Was he serious?” Steph asked me.

“Probably. Callum’s got over ten grand in sponsorship money, just imagine how much we could raise if we all did it.” I said.

“No one would sponsor me,” Elliott said and patted his belly that was usually hidden well by his custom-made suits. His casual attire showed his rounded belly.

“I’d sponsor you,” Steph said and kissed his cheek.

“Let’s hope he was joking,” Felicity said and nodded for us to walk over to where Callum stood to wait for the claxon to signal the start of the race.

Callum’s stance was braced to launch down the pebbles, and into the sea, he turned his head, grinned his sexy smile and gave me a wink. The claxon sounded a moment later, and he was off running.

The five of us leant against the railings with the other supporters cheering Callum on. I’m sure he couldn’t hear us over the splashes everyone was making. He had to swim once around the West Pier and then out, up the pebbles to get to his bike. We wouldn’t see him for a while once he set off. We took up position on our picnic rug on Hove lawns. Steph and I left Scottie, Felicity and Elliott sunbathing while we went to explore the stalls in the event area.

“How are things going with Callum?” Steph asked me. We were strolling past the Sussex cider tent, and I grabbed us each a sample.

“Everything’s great,” I answered truthfully, I didn’t have any words to qualify my statement. I felt content, and in a routine I liked.

“Is that all I get? What about the sex, does Callum give you all the orgasms? I bet he’s fantastic with that physique,” she said and pointed to Callum cycling away. Callum had asked that we don’t interrupt him the whole course so he could beat his personal best. I reluctantly agreed not to give him a good luck kiss at each stage. He said he’d find us after he finished but we all would be there at the finish line. Our picnic blanket wasn’t far from the tannoy giving us progress updates.

“He is a perfect specimen of a man, his muscles are rock hard. I’ve never been in the naked presence of someone so fit. Puts me to shame really, I should do more exercise.” I said and finished my cider.

“You’re kidding? You cycle for hours each day, up and down the hills of Brighton. I bet I could bounce a penny off your arse. If you bounced a penny off mine, you’d lose it for days,” Steph whined.

Steph was beautiful, classically styled for her figure, she had nothing to worry about. She had a gorgeous bottom and breasts to match. She was every guy’s ideal pin-up.

“Stop that. You’re stunning. Elliott adores you, he can’t take his eyes off you.”

“I know, I’m lucky to have fallen in love with someone who loves me as much as I love him. He works too hard, though, long hours. He needs to find an assistant but doesn’t have the time to find one. Maybe I could have a word with Callum to see if he can help,” Steph said.

“Does Callum specialise in corporate assistants as well as carpenter apprentices?” I asked then laughed, guiding her to a taco stall.

“He owns the company,” she said stopping me to turn around and face her.

“You’re kidding? He owns the company Elliott works for?”

“Yes, don’t you two talk?”

“Well sometimes, it’s not my forte really,” I said. For the first time, I felt ashamed that I didn’t have a handle on my hearing.

Steph dropped her head for a moment and squeezed my arm. She then hugged me hard and spoke into my ear.

“Perhaps it’s time you went back to get your hearing tested, they may be able to help more than they did ten years ago. I’m sure science has moved on since then.”

Steph didn’t wait for an answer, she turned to quiz the taco vendor about the ingredients in his specials. She tugged my hand to bring me in front of her. Steph wrapped her arms around my waist and leant her chin on my shoulder. She was a few inches taller than me, and we fitted perfectly.

“I don’t want to pressure you, but I think it would help if you went. Callum didn’t want to be a corporate suit so made Elliott CEO in his place. Callum’s not stupid, he can read a balance sheet and guides Elliott when needed. On the whole, Callum leaves Elliott to it, only attending the AGM.”

I nodded that I’d heard and squeezed her hands. A few more people had congregated at the taco vendor, so we moved on. We collected samples of various health drinks that mainly contained coconut water. Steph had a tote bag full of goodies by the time we strolled back to the group. She dumped her spoils in the middle of the rug and Elliott, Felicity, and Scottie made a mad scramble for the items they wanted.

“Where is he now?” I asked Elliott who couldn't answer immediately as his mouth was full of dates and nuts.

“Does this count as my five a day?” He asked Steph who was now settled next to him with her head in his lap enjoying the sunshine.

“I doubt it, maybe one of your five a day,” she answered.

“He’s on the final leg, running like a madman, we must pack up if we want to cheer him over the finishing line. The run part only takes half an hour for an athlete like him.” Scottie said and pulled Felicity to her feet. Felicity rolled up the blanket when everyone had stood and packed it away in her backpack. Steph collected the goodies from our scouting trip around the stalls.

We strolled to the finish line where there were many wives and husbands with their kids running around. The announcer was a radio star from the local radio station and had those who were listening in fits of laughter with his descriptions of his getting fit routine. I could make out most of the words he was saying to make sense of it. The tannoy was loud enough over the background noise of the spectators. Hoards of people were walking up and down the promenade avoiding the runners and swimmers as they emerged onto the tarmac pathways.
