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“She said I wasn’t that good, she said no amount of money in my bank account would make her sleep with me again.”

“What a bitch, what an utter bitch. What did you do?”

“I snuck out the back door, and a month later, I was on a flight to Kenya.”

She kissed my lips, a slow caress I felt all the way down to my toes.

“Then why is she all over you now?” Adaline asked.

“I don’t know, but it can’t be good.”

“Did you use a condom?” She asked.

My eyes grew wide for a moment, but I knew I had, there was no way I’d got her pregnant. I discarded the condom when I got home. I was so embarrassed by her words, I zipped up my trousers with my condom still on.

“Yes, I always use a condom, I can’t afford to risk my health,” I said, wishing I hadn’t uttered those words. I wasn’t ready to tell her everything.

She didn’t make a comment for a while, playing with my fingers. I’d learned that she fiddled with the nearest thing when she was thinking things through in her mind.

“Is that what all those tiny scars are, stretch marks?”

“Yeah, a lot of them have faded over the years. A friend of mine suggested using cream while I lost the weight to reduce the angry red scars on my stomach. They’re mostly gone.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed that’s what they were if you hadn’t told me about being overweight.”

The air had settled around us, the vibe I was getting from Adaline was that we were back to being friends, but I wanted more. I needed to be her lover again.

“Are we ok?” I asked, hoping that the answer would be yes.

“Yeah, we’re ok. Seeing that woman throw her arms around you made me crazy jealous. I didn’t know how to react when she said she was your girlfriend. I couldn’t cope with you being someone else’s boyfriend.”

I would have proposed there and then if I knew it would be received well. Adaline hadn’t commented on my declaration, and that worried me. I took the coward’s way out and didn’t address the subject of my love for her. I was glad she was still speaking to me, touching me, and now kissing me. She’d climbed onto my lap and settled over my growing erection.

“I only have eyes for you, Adaline, please believe me,” I pleaded as I stood with her in my arms. She didn’t struggle, so I took that as a yes to moving this discussion to my bedroom.


“What are your plans today?” I asked him once my heart rate had returned to a sloth-like state. The way Callum woke me up in the mornings was as inventive as his cooking. So far, never the same thing twice.

“I might take the day off and research a couple of editorials that my customers want. I haven't been commissioned yet, but that's how the game is played. If I can find them, then I'm in a better bargaining place.”

“Which language will you need to speak for those?”

“Good old English this time,” I said and spoke a string of dirty words requesting another orgasm in French.

He moved over my body straight away and clamped his lips onto my nipple, sucking hard. Callum circled his pelvis over mine, and teased, he didn't stop until I moaned.

“You speak French too?” I asked. He was too clever to be just a carpenter.

“Yep, only the best education was good enough for my dad. I spent most of my school years in the library. I was a boarder too which meant a lot of lonely hours. I'm not fluent in any language but know enough in half a dozen.”

“You're so flash,” I said and pushed his head towards my other nipple.

He took the hint and toyed with my peaking nipple with his tongue.

“I’m not flash, you’re the one who can speak fluently in ten different languages,” he said and nudged his cock to rest between my pussy lips.

“But,” I couldn’t speak, he teased my clit with the pad of his thumb. “That is a necessity for my job, you do it for fun.”
