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I picked her up and took her to my bedroom, which was fast becoming our bedroom. She’d moved essential clothes into my drawers as well as her bedside lamp that had no switch, just a light tap to turn it on or off.

I stripped her naked and grabbed a condom. Lifting her body, I settled on my back for her to straddle me. It was my favourite position. As Adaline rode my cock, I cradled her breasts and fixated on her lips. She chewed her bottom lip when she was nearing her orgasm. I could feel her muscles grab hold of my cock as she moved up and down but it was the furrowed brow and teeth marks on her bottom lip that told me she was going to come. I needed to get nearer to her, she would be out of my sight soon. I sat up and hugged her back. Her breasts squashed against my chest. She didn’t need to move, I pumped hard up into her body and nibbled her neck. Her familiar sigh fluttered past my ear as her spasms began. I hurried to pump faster, I wanted to come with her. The tingle at the bottom of my spine made its way up my back and along my cock. I circled her clit with my thumb, and we came at the same time. Groans and shouts littered the bedroom as we slowed our pace and fell back down on the mattress.

“Will you be careful over there?” I pleaded.

“I will, it’s just a comic book transaction, not a drug deal,” she shoved my shoulder to escape my grasp. While she made herself comfortable under the duvet, I discarded the condom and joined her in bed. She touched her lamp to illuminate the room.

“Will you make sure you touch nothing sharp and stay with Steph and Elliott or your mum while I’m away?”

“I’ll be okay here on my own, I’ve lived on my own before,” I said.

“Have you?”

I thought about that for a moment, and although I had apartments when I lived overseas, they were in managed buildings with receptionists and concierge.

“Maybe not, I went from living at home to living in apartment complexes and then here. So no, I haven’t lived on my own per se. I’m not staying at my mum’s, she’ll never let me come home. I’ll be fine here, I promise,” I said and kissed her nose.

“You can text me every hour you’re on your own, so I know you’re safe,” she said and snuggled closer.

“That could be a little too much to ask,” I said and kissed her forehead. “Are you still coming tomorrow night, I don’t think I can go if you’re not there,”

“Gabby was quite clear that I’m not invited,” Adaline said.

“I don’t give a fuck. You’re coming with me, if Gabby prevents you from entering we’ll leave. Simple.”

I’d given in to going to the school reunion. I’d received the invitation via my mum, Gabby had sent it to my mum’s address, berating me for not letting her know my new address. There was no way I would let Gabby know where I lived. I didn’t trust her and I didn’t trust that she wouldn’t cause upset to Adaline. Gabby had underlined and highlighted that the invite was for one person only. I didn’t believe her, she probably had this invite specially made, and everyone else would bring a date.

“You’re determined to take me, aren’t you?”

“Absolutely, there is no way I’m going to that party alone. I didn’t like them at school, and I’ll probably not like them now. I’m going for the business, it’s good for marketing according to Elliott. I need to show my face every now and again. He has half a dozen dates over the next few months for me to attend. Now that I am back for good, he wants me to get more involved socially. I’ve tried to tell him I get a case of dry mouth when I’m asked to make small talk. He’s given me cue cards, can you believe that?”

Adaline laughed, the best sound in the world. She rolled over clutching her belly.

“Let me see them, I want to see what he’s given you,” she said while she climbed on top of my stomach.

I reached over to the bedside drawer and pulled out a stack of index cards. Adaline grabbed them before I could select the ones I will use.

“Ask them if they are going on holiday this year. Really? You’re not a hairdresser,” she said and tossed it over her shoulder. “Before you go, read the headline in The Times financial section and read the article. Seriously, that is something you do for an interview,” she said and tossed that aside as well. After a few more cards, she threw them all on the floor, they scattered like a pack of cards.

“You need none of them, you’ll be okay. Just talk to them like you talk to me.”

“I don’t think they would appreciate my smutty talk.” I joked and pulled her down for a kiss. “I need to have five days worth of affection, Adaline, I don’t know what I will do when you go.”

“I’m not going forever just a few days, I’ll be back before you know it. You can still lavish me with affection and orgasms until then, I won’t put up much of a fight,” Adaline said.


“What are you going to call him?” Scottie asked, bending down to scratch the dog behind its ear.

“He already has a name, he’s not a puppy,” I said.

I’d come to collect my new dog, Buster. As soon as I saw that scumbag’s hand holding Adaline up by her throat, I knew I needed to get her a guard dog. I couldn’t stand the thought of her getting hurt, and with her hearing loss, it could more likely happen to her. I wanted to kill Jeff with my bare hands, Scottie took control and got him out of my sight before I could lay a finger on him. He dragged Jeff down the stairs not caring if he hurt him. He shoved him across the shop floor and out of my sight. I heard him tell Jeff about what he’d like to do to a man who took advantage of those weaker than them. Jeff cursed the entire time, defending his actions, but I didn’t hang about to find out what Scottie did next, getting to Adaline was my priority. I needed to know she was safe when I wasn’t there. She could take him on her trips around the shops. We could walk him down to the beach in the evenings, as well as the mornings when I go for a swim.

I wanted Adaline to name him. I didn’t think about the fact Buster had been in training for years to be a dog for the deaf. He would already have a name. I liked the name Buster, and I hoped Adaline would too. Deciding on telling her what type of dog he was meant that I needed to find my balls. If she didn’t like the idea, then she didn’t need to keep him. I’d spoken to the charity who trained the dogs for the hard of hearing and deaf. They expected that there could be resistance to the concept so we could have him for a few days to see if Adaline warmed to the idea.

“Maybe I could apply for one for my mum. She’s on her own more and more now I’m working and spend my spare time with Felicity.”

“You should, I bet your mum would love a companion. Do you want me to enquire for you?”

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