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“I have to go there on my own?” Scottie’s mouth gaped after he spoke. It was the closest I’d seen him show reluctance. He’d told me how they had cornered him and begged for money. When he refused they got angry with him and he thought they would cause him bodily harm.

He had a point. I don’t think I would want to go to that house on my own either. “Take Felicity as a backup,” I said. She nodded her agreement, and the arrangements were set.


Another day had passed, and I was no nearer finding Roland today than I was yesterday. Hong Kong’s vibrant city kept my attention as I wandered the street from the old world to the new world. Every shop was a high-end fashion shop or a small spice shop. The noise levels were painful on my ears. There were too many, strange noises that took me too long for me to work out. Every noise made me jump with surprise. After the first hour of walking, I stuffed my ear buds in my ears to block everything out.

I stumbled on a spice market in the centre of the city. There were sacks and sacks of multicoloured herbs and spices. Callum would love it here, I bought a selection of spices I recognised and left the pickled bugs alone. After a morning of fruitless searching for Roland’s whereabouts, I ventured out to climb the steps of The Big Buddha and Po Lin Monastery. Time was running away with me, and it looked like I wouldn’t get much sightseeing done.

I’d visited every shop around the streets where Roland said he’d lived and everyone shook their heads when I asked them if he lived there. Most of them didn’t even bother speaking.

The Big Buddha was top of the list of places I wanted to visit before I left Hong Kong. My conversation with Callum yesterday hadn’t gone well. I’d heard nothing from him since. I’d sent him a text when I’d woken, but there was still no reply. I didn’t expect to have such difficulty in understanding the Hong Kong people. It didn’t occur to me that I wouldn’t be able to understand them. I wrote out questions on my phone instead, but few people would help me find Roland Yiu. With thousands and thousands of Yiu families in Hong Kong and I didn’t know Roland’s Chinese name, I was limited on what I could do next. Spending the afternoon climbing the steps and sitting at the Buddha’s feet focused my brain on the plan I needed next.

It was a shame divine inspiration hadn’t arrived. I missed Callum’s presence, I hadn’t realised that he calmed me until I was alone. Callum wouldn’t know what to do next, but Scottie would. As soon as Callum answered my text, I would swallow my pride and ask for help.

I'd settled on the stone bench by the Buddha's left foot. The view across the bay didn't interest me. My appreciation for the Chinese culture was limited when my mind raced around trying to think of a way to find Roland Yiu.

It didn't help that I was still annoyed that my buyer hadn't upgraded me, I was in standard class next to the most talkative elderly lady I'd ever met. It was torture. I didn't understand what she was saying. Every eighth sentence she asked if I agreed. I'm not sure what I agreed to, but I nodded each time she slapped my thigh to get a response. Headphones didn't make any difference.

I balanced my tablet on my knee and tapped away on the screen. The day was humid with the sun making its way down to the horizon. Most of the tourists had started their journey back down the steps and onto the cable car. I had peace and quiet to start my search of every Roland Yiu in the background of the internet. Somewhere he will have slipped up and used his real name. It was a matter of patience.

An hour later my concentration was interrupted by a man sitting next to me. I had my headphones in, thankfully, so he didn’t try to strike up a conversation. Without looking at him, I pulled on my jumper when the evening air turned cool. I tried to ignore whoever it was, but he was sitting a little too close. The bench could seat four, and his thigh was an inch away from mine. He tapped the toes of his trainers together rhythmically. The stranger tapped his toes in time to the music in my ears.

I turned my volume down, the stranger’s feet sagged apart. I carried on tapping at the screen for another half an hour. I was sure I'd found Roland Yiu and his correct address, but I'd have to go there to be sure. My bum was numb from sitting for so long, and the man next to me was still there, sitting still.

Pulling my headphones out, I turned to the stranger then jumped out of my seat on the bench. Callum's sexy smile lit his face. I backed away, pointing a finger at him. I changed to holding my palm out and gesturing to his whole body, speechless. His grin broadened as he stood. He stalked towards me until my back hit the wall and his body pressed against mine.

“Hello Adaline,” he spoke into my ear.

I couldn't respond because his mouth was on mine, for a moment I was still frozen in shock that he was here, in Hong Kong, kissing me. I kissed him back with all that I had, thanking him for showing up. I had never been so pleased to see another human being than I was at that moment. I clutched at his neck as I tried to get closer.

“We have to stop, love, we'll get arrested,” he said when he broke the kiss.

“I'm so happy you're here,” I said, placing my palms on his chest. His t-shirt was thin, and I traced his nipples through his top. He grinned at my naughtiness and pushed his pelvis at my belly. He was aroused.

“That's a relief. I spent the entire flight worried that you'd kick my arse for coming to help. If you did, I would blame Scottie because he put the idea in my head.”

I laughed at his deflection blaming. I’d already decided that my pride wasn’t worth getting lost again on the mainland.

“How did you find me?”

“Scottie casually told me you were sitting in a shopping mall at4am. He said he could track your movements through an app.”

“Yeah, he was worried that I'd be sold into the sex trade as soon as I landed. He didn't think the magazine existed or Roland Yiu.”

“Does he? Exist I mean.”

“He does, and so does the comic, I need to get to an address on the mainland. It's above a tailor shop.”

“Then let's go.”

Callum tugged on my hand, to gather my stuff from the stone bench.

“We can’t go until tomorrow, let’s get proper Chinese food,” I said.

The goofy girl side of me wanted to run around the Buddha. I wanted to celebrate that this handsome, kind man had flown halfway around the world to make sure I was ok. It was ridiculously romantic. An arrest was not on the cards for us, there wasn't another soul to be seen. We played it safe and walked down the two hundred and sixty-eight steps, hand in hand. When we arrived at the bottom, he sat down and brought me with him onto his lap. Callum took out his phone and lifted it to take a selfie of the pair of us with the Buddha in the background. He immediately sent it to Scottie, who replied with a thumbs up.

“I think he cares more about you than he does me,” Callum said as he lifted us to a standing position. He grabbed my hand once more.
