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Chuckling, she scribbles my order onto a piece of paper and pins it to the row of orders hanging near the kitchen. I’m later than usual, which means the diner is busier than I’m used to.

“How are you?” she asks me while filling two mugs with coffee. “I thought you weren’t going to show up today.”

“I had a meeting after work.”

“Sounds boring.”

I shake my head. “No, it wasn’t one of those meetings with my colleagues that always drags on. I talked to a dad. He’s thinking of sending his daughter to Little Cubs Academy.”

“Oh? A hot dad, perhaps?”

I grin. “You might know him. He owns the local bar.”

Her eyebrows fly up. “You mean Benson?”

I nod. “That’s the one.”

She holds her finger up. “One second.”

As soon as she’s delivered the coffee to the correct table, she pulls up a stool beside me. “I’ve got two minutes. You better spill.”

“Spill what?” I ask with a laugh.

“Everything that went down with hot, single dad Benson, of course.”

“Nothing went down, Rosie. We had a civilized chat, teacher to parent.”

She laughs, clearly not buying a word I’m saying. “Come on, June. You’re telling me Benson did nothing to your heart rate? He’s the hottest single dad I know.”

I lean in closer and lower my voice. “Did you know his wife, I mean, former wife, is in jail?”

“I do. It happened before you moved to Bearclaw Ridge.”

I frown. “What did she do? Murder someone?”

Rosie stands and moves behind the counter to retrieve a couple of steaming hot plates. “As far as I know, she’s not a killer. I think it had something to do with drugs.”

“Wow. Poor Benson.”

“And poor Lily. Imagine having a mom in jail,” she says before bringing the orders around and fetching mine from the kitchen.

Rosie’s right. I feel sorry for the two of them. Things must not be easy for Benson, raising Lily aloneandhaving to deal with marrying a criminal, even though it's all in the past.

After eating my dinner at Hiker’s Haven and saying goodbye to Rosie, I head home and feed Oatmeal. I kick my shoes off, pour myself a glass of wine, and settle on the couch with my laptop.

I open a browser and look up everything I can find about Benson and what happened to his wife. I can’t explain why, but I have this immense need to know more about his life. I could simply ask him, of course, but how awkward would that be? Me showing up at the bar for the first time and inquiring about his ex-wife’s crimes? Hell no. He’d think I’m insane, and I can’t have that when I want him to like me back. Although, I realize I can’t start a relationship with him as I’m about to be his daughter’s teacher. Unless he picks a different school…

I shake my head. I’m getting swept away, thinking crazy thoughts. I’ve only just met the man. He’s not interested in me at all. In fact, he’s probably forgotten all about me by now.

Chapter Three


“How is the coloring going, Pumpkin?” I ask while catching up on drying glasses.

“Look, this mermaid’s almost done.”

Lily’s been coloring like her life depends on it, not bothering to keep within the lines. It’s okay. She’s only four, after all.
