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Lily’s eyes widen in delight. “Really?”

June nods, a warm smile lighting up her face. “Absolutely. Mermaids are the best.”

I watch their interaction and can’t help but feel grateful. June is amazing with kids. My daughter will be lucky to be in her class if I can secure her a spot. And if I’m being honest, I’m also excited about the prospect of seeing June more often.

“So, what brings you here, June?” I ask as soon as Lily returns to coloring in another mermaid drawing.

“It’s silly.”

“Come on, spill.”

She bites her lip. “I was in the neighborhood and realized I’ve never been here, even though I moved to Bearclaw Ridge a year ago. I thought I’d check out the place.”

I gesture toward the interior. “I hope you like it. Can I get you something? A drink or some food?”

She shakes her head. “No, you’re not open yet. I don’t want to bother you.”

“Are you kidding me? You’re not bothering me at all.”

A smile plays on her lips, and fucking hell, I can’t tear my eyes away from her gorgeous features.

“In that case, I’ll have a club soda with a slice of lime.”

“Coming right up,” I say, already filling a clean glass and adding a wedge of lime.

She motions her head toward Lily. “Is she here often? It must be hard for you to juggle being a dad and running a bar.”

“It was kind of an emergency solution. My sister is having a baby, and my babysitter broke her leg,” I say, putting her drink down on the bar.

“A baby? That’s exciting.”

“It sure is.”

June takes a sip from her drink. “You know, I could look after Lily if you want.”

Her offer takes me by surprise. She’d do that for me? It would be handy, but I can’t take her up on the offer, right?

“That’s sweet, but I can’t ask that of you.”

She shrugs. “Why not? I don’t have any plans tonight.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Really? You’d rather look after my kid than go out? It’s Saturday night.”

She fiddles with her straw. “Rosie, my best friend, is working tonight as well, and since I’m single, no one is waiting for me at home.”

Huh, so she’s single. Interesting. And also intriguing. I figured a hot, kind woman like June would’ve been swept off her feet by a man years ago.

“I don’t know.”

I steal a glance at Lily. Would she want to spend time with a woman she only just met?

“Honestly, you’d be doing me a favor. I hate sitting at home all alone. Lily and I could do some arts and crafts before bedtime.”

Lily’s eyes grow wide. “Really? I love arts and crafts! Please, Daddy, can Miss June tuck me into bed tonight?”

“You want that?”

My daughter gives me a sassy look. “Yes. She knows all about mermaids, and you don’t.”
