Page 42 of Needing Shianne

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He navigated the corner to the right onto Main Street. He stepped on the gas pedal and hurried to Pine Street. A quick left onto Oak Street, the alley behind the boutique.


"Hey, the silver Kia is parked behind the tattoo parlor. I'm behind the boutique now. Stay alert in case he's coming back."


Myles slowed his truck and looked at the back lots of Paxton's, next to the boutique, Flynn's station was next to Paxton's. Addy's car was parked behind the courthouse, facing the alley. He slowed and waved. Addy shook her head.

Myles nodded and moved toward the tattoo parlor. He pulled into the lot next to the Kia and stared down into the car.

Gunshots sounded from down the street, and he pulled out of the lot and sped down the road to the boutique. Addy was just ahead of him. Stopping behind Paxton's, Myles jumped out of his vehicle and flattened his back against the wall. He pulled his gun from its holster at his waist and pointed it at the ground.

Addy crept close to him. She nodded when she neared, her gun pointing at the ground. She nodded toward the boutique, and he bobbed his head in acknowledgment. Addy crept along the wall of the garbage shed and toward the boutique. Myles followed her.

Another shot sounded, then silence. Addy called out. "Tate?"

They listened. His heart beat so hard he could hear the whooshing in his ears. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, this is what he did for a living.

"Tate?" Addy called out again.

"Clear." Tate called out. He and Addy crept along the wall to the back door. Addy pushed the door open with her foot, taking cover behind the wall.

Rustling sounds filtered out to them. Finally, the door pulled open further. Tate called out. "It's Tate. All clear."

Addy relaxed and moved toward the door. Tate peered out and nodded to them both. Myles let out a breath and nodded in response.

Tate jerked his head. "He came in guns blazing. Thanks for the call, I had just enough time to take cover before he burst through the door."

Tate's phone rang and he tapped the speaker icon. "Vickers."

"It's Rafe. Neve Johnston's vehicle is approaching the boutique. She just turned onto Pine Street."

Myles turned and tucked himself against the wall, where she couldn't see him as she drove past. Addy and Tate hid just behind the door.

He heard her vehicle approach and waited until she slowly moved on. He watched her park in the alley and slog her way toward the boutique. She jumped when she spotted him, and he raised his gun. "Don't run."

Her eyes rounded but she slowly raised her hands in the air. "I won't."

"Where is she?"



Neve let out a deep breath. "She's at my dad's cabin."

"Where's his cabin?"

"About forty minutes from here. In Gladstone."

"Give me the address."

Addy neared as Neve gave them the address. Addy typed it into her phone and nodded. "I see it."

"Why are you here?"

"He sent me back to get her phone."
