Page 44 of Needing Shianne

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"Thomas is the one who does most of the grunt work. He's there at the cabin now. Doug is supposed to be doing another search of the dress shop for drugs."

Myles glanced in the mirror. "He's dead."

Neve nodded slowly but said nothing.

"So, who else is at the cabin?"

"Just Dad and Thomas."

"Is Thomas related to you?"

"Yeah. He's my half-brother."

Myles nodded but said nothing else. Who would do this to their kids? Some people should not have children.

He turned the last corner to the cabin and was on a road riddled with potholes. They bounced down the road. The GPS announced,Your destination is on the right.

He pulled the truck to a stop at the edge of the road. "Call him."

Addy pulled Neve's phone from her back pocket. "What's his name in your phone?"

"Boss Man."

"You call your dad Boss Man?"

"He likes it. He doesn't like Thomas and I calling him Dad in front of the others."

Addy scrolled Neve's phone and found the number. She tapped in the number and the speaker icon. It rang twice. "What?"

Addy nodded at Neve. "They have me. They're willing to ransom me for Shianne."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Who has you?"

"Shianne's boyfriend and a friend."

"Big deal. They're nobodies."

Neve's eyes looked at his in the mirror. "Yeah. They are. They have weapons and carry zip ties and know what they're doing."

"Tough shit."

Neve's eyes watered and she blinked rapidly. He felt sorry for her. She was in a shitty situation and had a piece of shit for a dad. But, he had to get Shianne.

Myles turned in the seat and looked at Addy. He mouthed, "I'm going in."

Addy nodded and ended the call.

He stepped out of the vehicle and disappeared into the trees surrounding the cabin. He pulled his weapon out and pointed it at the ground as he crept through the trees.

At the edge of the trees on the other side, he could see the small cabin. It had a small porch, no landscaping, and looked like it wasn't taken care of very well. His stomach tightened thinking of Shianne inside. Scared. Wondering where he was. He hoped she wondered about him. He'd thought of nothing else but getting her back and making up for all the lost time. All of the past two years they avoided each other because of others. Actually, she avoided him because of Lara, and he was busy working a lot of the time, so, it wasn't so much they avoided each other. They flirted. They chatted. But they didn't go any further. They'd make up for that lost time and then some.

He stepped back into the trees once more and moved to the side of the cabin, where the only window seemed to be a small one that was likely in a bedroom or a bathroom. If there was one in there. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Addy.


Shianne's stomach twisted. She listened to Boss Man on the phone with someone. It didn't sound good.

"Fucking bitch hung up on me."
