Page 24 of Finding His Fire

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"Oh my God. You feel massive. I can't wait to feel you in me."

"Darlin', get your pants off right now."

The smile that split her lips was like a slice of heaven. He lifted only enough to allow her the room to shimmy her pants down. He enjoyed the way her body felt squirming and moving under him, so he wasn't willing to give her more room.

As she pushed her pants down to her feet, she stopped just a moment. "Ford, I don't want to pull the bandages off; help me."

He kissed her lips once more then reared back, moved aside, and pulled her jeans off her feet, leaving the bandages unscathed.

"Oh. Wow." He heard her breathlessly exclaim. Turning to her, her hands immediately roamed over his abs, one of her gentle fingers following the dark hair that trailed from his navel to his cock, which was straining to break free from his jeans. That same soft finger swirled over the head and the glistening pre-cum that had formed at the slit of his throbbing dick, and he thought he'd lose it when she swiped his pre-cum over her lips, then licked it off.

He shoved his jeans over his hips along with his underwear, freeing his cock to slide into her entrance. Reaching to the night stand, he pulled a condom from the drawer and quickly slipped it over, sad that he wouldn't feel her fully.

Swiping his own work roughened finger over her slit, a smile formed on his lips when her wetness gathered on his finger.

"So wet, darlin'. I take that as you're ready."

"Oh, God, yes," she panted.

Hovering over her, his arms on either side of her head, he looked deep into those green eyes and held her gaze as his tip found her entrance. He braced himself there for just a moment, waiting to see if she'd change her mind. She wriggled her hips, so his cock began sliding inside her. Thrusting forward, he entered her, and both of them moaned. Her pussy was hot and wet, and it wrapped around his cock like it was made just for him. Moving slowly, he pulled out and pushed back in, working with her to get a rhythm they both could enjoy. It didn't take more than three strokes before their mating dance began in earnest, her hips rose to meet his thrusts and the movements built that deep tugging and burning in his groin. He continued to stare at her, study her face and her features, and she studied him in return. Each of them committing this to memory as if they were afraid they'd forget it. That would be impossible, though, he was sure of it.

His peripheral vision caught the movement of her breasts each time he planted himself deep within her. Grinding his hips against her clit, she gasped, and he knew he found the right spot. Changing his angle just enough to hit her clit each time he planted himself in her, he watched the color rise on her cheeks. The pink looked fabulous on her. The auburn curls that had loosened from her ponytail splayed out over the bed around her face, and the picture was stunning.

Wanting to hear her moans again, he swished his hips around against her clit and marveled at the way her face changed when she felt the pleasure, her pupils dilated, and her fingers shook against his back. As her orgasm grew, her soft hands reached down to his hips and dug into his flesh, her hips arched higher, and she panted, "Close."

He ground down on her and picked up the pace, he wouldn't release himself in her until she came, but it was going to be close for sure—the tightening in his groin almost painful now. Both of their bodies shined as the sun from the window glinted off their sweaty skin, highlighting the curves and shadowing the valleys.

Her eyes rounded as she looked into his; her smile appeared then disappeared as her lips formed an "o". Her fingers dug into his hips painfully, and she cried out his name, "Ford!"

His name. Fucking fantastic. Five full fast thrusts and he followed her orgasm with his own, his body jerking as his seed spilled from him.


She woke to the chatter and singing of birds, and a heavy arm slung over her waist. The solid chest behind her cocooned her back, the springy hair on his chest both abrading her skin and massaging it. His even breathing, deep and sure, comforted her, and she let her eyes slide closed again. She’d had sex with Ford. Couldn't take it back now, the deed was done. She didn't want to, but what did this mean for their future? Not that there was one. They hadn't spoken about anything past him making her feel safe here in the mountains and then going to find Bobby Ray and Waylon. The thought of that soured her stomach and her mouth. She didn't want him to leave, yet shedidwant Ford to find them and get the justice his parents deserved. No way to do both.

The heaviness that now weighed her chest down caused her breath to hitch. This was just two grown people who were attracted to each other blowing off steam. She'd been through so damn much in the past couple of weeks. She hadn't been touched by a man in more than six years. She'd been waiting for the right man. And she was happy it was Ford. It felt right that she'd been abstinent, and he’d been the one to break the self-denial.

He'd been through so much for years. Enduring a drug addicted wife, the murder of his parents, and then finding their killer only to lose him again. On top of all that, he had a son fighting in a war on the other side of the world.

The bile souring her stomach increased at the thought of his son. It was stupid for her to feel jealousy, but she did. Trying to analyze it now, she wasn't sure if it was the fact that she didn't have a son or daughter in her life or the fact that Ford had one with another woman. One that didn't want or deserve his love. Life sure sucked sometimes.

Warm, soft lips kissed her tender skin behind her ear. "What's wrong?"


"Bullshit. Your breathing is irregular, and your skin is clammy."

Well, hell … in such a short time he’d learned how to read her.

She could feel him raise up on his elbow and his hand cradled her face and turned it back to his. When their eyes locked, his brows rose into his hairline waiting for her to respond. She didn't for long moments, and she saw his jaw tighten, and a hint of scary Ford was beginning to emerge.

"I feel stupid. Jealous. It's wrong and unprovoked, but it’s there," she confessed in barely more than a whisper.

"Jealous of who?"

Closing her eyes to block out his handsome face, his hair rumpled by her during their lovemaking … sex … whatever.

"Jealous of who?" he asked.
