Page 14 of King of Night

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“I’m sorry again for, uh, everything,” I tell Kristy.

“It’s okay,” she replies sleepily.“Take me to Disney.”

I smile.“I’ll do that.Night.”

“Night,” she mumbles and I leave the room, shutting off the light and closing the door behind me.Eliza and Eamon are downstairs.I pause in the hallway then shake my head, telling myself I’ll deal with it later.Eamon is an obvious problem, but I don’t think he’s a danger to us right now.Though there’s still the issue of Jacob from the bank.

“Fuck,” I huff, not trusting Eamon to take him home.Rubbing my forehead, I go back into my room and pick up my phone.There are less than half a dozen Uber drivers in Thorne Hill, and I wonder if any are even available to pick someone up at this hour.Still, I give it a try and am happily surprised to see someone will be here in fifteen minutes.

Yawning, I go down the back staircase and into the library so I can wake Jacob up to get his address.Eamon watches as I work my magic again, convincing Jacob that he brought over documents, stayed for dinner and had a little too much wine.Right as I’m getting him up to wait on the porch, the back door opens and closes.In an instant, Lucas appears in the threshold of the library.

His dark eyes meet mine and a chill runs through me.Fuck.

He knows.


“Igot him an Uber,” I say, lips curving into a smile.There’s no bullshitting Lucas, and really, I don’t want to bullshit him.There is no one on this earth I trust more than my husband, no one I love more and no one who loves me more.He’s my true ride or die, and bydieI mean he’ll kill for me—like how he has before.

But this time…this time I’m going to be letting him down.Still, there’s a chance he’ll understand why I did what I did.It was for him—for us.We can be together now and I would do anything a thousand times over if it means being with him.

“I could have taken him home,” Lucas replies, voice deep and steady.“It would have been faster.”

“This way we can stay home.”I start forward and Jacob, believing to be drunk, stumbles a little after me.“Together.”

“Together,” Lucas echoes and my heart skips a beat.Dammit, he can hear that.

“That’s all I want,” I relent, voice wavering with emotion.“It’s all I’ll ever want.Us.Together.As a family.”

“At what cost?”he asks, lowering his voice.

“That’s not fair,” I shotClick here to enter text. back.“You became a horseman.”

“What’s the word you like to use?Whataboutism?”

“Not fair,” I repeat and look at my phone, checking to see how close the Uber is.They’re on route, coming from town.The bars are closing soon, so whoever is driving was probably out waiting to take a drunk person home anyway.

“Meet me upstairs when he’s gone,” Lucas says and turns, speeding out of the room.

“What did you do?”Jacob asks, words slurring.“I wouldn’t want to piss him off, that’s all I’ll say.”

“I can handle him,” I sigh, though I’m not worried about a battle of strengths.A ball of anxiety is starting to form in the pit of my stomach.What if Lucas doesn’t understand why I did what I did?And even worse…what if things don’t work out like I think they will?“Things are just kinda complicated.”

“I don’t understand why a nice girl like you would get tangled up in vamp business,” he goes on.They say alcohol is truth serum, and the same goes when you’re spelled to think you’re drunk.At least I already worked not remembering any of this into the spell.“I get his appeal.He’s very…very impressive.”

I smile, remembering the first time I saw Lucas.He took my breath away, and not because he needed the air.He was the oldest vampire I’d yet to come across and his power and confidence rocked me.I hadn’t felt scared like that in ages, yet instead of running away like I should have, I craved him more.

“That he is.And he’s a good man,” I say, fully believing it.

“He’s a vampire, not a man.”

“You know they were all human at one point,” I remind him.I’ve had this talk with Abby before, and it’s funny how fast everyone is to remember that ninety-nine percent of vampires were turned against their will.They stood before another vampire with fear in their eyes, crying and begging for their lives.

“I kinda forget that,” Jacob says with a hiccup, swaying on his feet.We go into the front porch.I lean against the railing and Jacob sits on a rocking chair.“What did you do to make him mad?”

“Nothing of significance,” I lie and close my eyes, remembering it all play out.The sense of desperation starts to take over even though the threat is gone.I knew I had to do it as soon as Uriel appeared.

It was the only way.
