Page 2 of King of Night

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“Betty’s,” I grunt and Lucas shouts something to Eliza in French.My stomach churns and I drop to the ground, pressing my fingers into the ground.

Sky above me.Earth below me.Dammit.Thefire withinis hell-fucking-fire and not what I need right now.

“Keep her safe,” I pant, hardly able to get the words out.

“I’m not leaving you.”Lucas drops down and puts his hand on my shoulder.

“I’ll go with her,” Eamon says and I glance up, slitting my eyes open for half a second.He’s on the porch next to Eliza, and Kristy is to the side, looking terrified.She’s been through so much in the last few hours.This isn’t fair.

This isn’t right.

“What’s happening?”Kristy stammers.“Where…where are…” She cuts off, her fear palpable.

“It’s some sort of spell,” Lucas replies, scooping me up.“A spell that banishes angels.”

“Oh shit,” Kristy says and rushes down from the porch.“Callie’s only half angel.And Juliet…”

“Get her out of here,” I breathe, my voice hardly audible over the sound of my baby’s cries.The heartbreak is worse than the pain, and I want to take it all away from her.Not being here to protect my child kills me, but I have no idea if she can even survive this.

And then I will fucking kill whoever cast the spell.

“Go!”Lucas bellows and my vision starts to blur.The last time this spell was cast on me, my powers were still partially locked down.Now it’s like my insides are being liquefied by the second and it’s only a matter of time before I implode into a puddle of goo right here in my own yard.“Can you do something?”Lucas asks Kristy, his usual calm and steady voice wavering.I’d like to tell them we could run too, we could join Eliza and Eamon at Betty’s and hope that’s enough distance to let the spell wear off.Then when I’m back at full power I can kick some fucking ass.I cannot get the words out.

But there’s a chance it won’t be far enough.

“Um…I…I…don’t,” Kristy stumbles over her words.Binx shadows out of the house, circling around me.“Right,” Kristy tells him when he suggests a return to sender spell.“Okay,” she says to herself, trying to get centered.

My body twitches involuntarily and Lucas holds me tighter against him.He won’t stand here much longer, watching me writhe in pain.

Kristy holds up her left hand, fingers extended toward the moon.She places her right hand on my arm and closes her eyes.“Maledicere, retorquere.Redi ad mittente,” she chants.“Maledicere, retorquere.Redi ad mittente.”

My pain slowly starts to subside, as suddenly as it began.Binx lets us know something is in the woods, heading toward the Covenstead door.

Go,I mentally tell him.Take Scarlet and Pandora.Freya, who has really started to bond with Juliet, followed Eliza through the woods and I can sense that they’re already at Betty’s house.

“Maledicere, retorquere.Redi ad mittente.Maledicere, retorquere.Redi ad mittente.” Kristy’s voice rings out around me and I suck in air, feeling more like myself.The burns around my fingers are gone, and anger surges through me, just as strong as the pain.

“Callie?”Kristy asks, fingers trembling slightly.

“I’m okay,” I say and protest against Lucas’s arms around me.“I’m okay.There’s something…” I fight off one last bout of dizziness, feeling like I might puke.“There’s something in the woods.Going the opposite direction of Juliet,” I quickly add, knowing Lucas will want to know.“Binx says it’s running away.”

Lucas tips his head, trying to listen.His face is strained with conflicting emotions.

“I’m okay,” I tell him and he finally releases me.With a snarl, he draws his fangs and takes off toward the forest, running after Binx and Scarlet who are hot on the trail of whoever cast the spell.

“Are you really okay?”Kristy asks and I straighten up, pushing my hair over my shoulder.

“Yeah,” I tell her, though I’m suddenly exhausted.Her quick yet simple return to sender spell was enough to break the bonds of the anti-angel spell, but it didn’t necessarily end the spell.“That is not a fun feeling.”

“I can’t imagine.”

“It’s like being ripped apart.The divinity in me is trying to leave but can’t.Thankfully?I’m not sure if that’s a good thing in this case or not.But I’m okay.”

She takes my hand and looks into my eyes.“I’ll still drive.”We run into the house and I grab the first set of keys I can, tossing them to Kristy as we hurry back and get into Lucas’s Range Rover.I grip the edge of the seat as she drives, speeding down the road toward Betty’s house.We’re not far at all, yet it seems like an eternity right now.

We’re not even halfway when a car pulled over on the side of the road flicks its brights on as soon as we drive past…and then flashes its blue and red police lights.

“God dammit,” I grumble, heart beating in my chest.I want to get to my baby and make sure she’s okay.I don’t care what I have to do in order to get to Betty’s house right now.“Just keep driving.”
