Page 24 of King of Night

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“But he’s a…a vampire,” she whispers and looks around, making sure no one on the busy street corner heard her.

“I’m aware,” I say dryly, half wishing I didn’t heal as quickly as I did.The bite marks and bruises on my neck would still be visible if I didn’t.

“Anyway,” Ricci goes on and claps her hands together, startling Juliet again.I’m getting the feeling Ricci hasn’t been that involved in the raising of her own children.“Abby said you two are having lunch here and I said I just happen to know the chef and she said I should join so of course I had to say yes!”

Giving up on the shoes, Abby stands, struggling to keep Penny in her arms.The kid is swinging like a fish out of water, looking like she possess more strength than should be physically possible.“Sorry,” Abby mouths, giving me aI didn’t know she was actually going to join uslook.I widen my eyes and purse my lips for just a millisecond, letting her know it’s okay.

“Shall we?”

Right as we start to walk toward the restaurant doors, Easton comes out of the bar next door, exiting with two other guys who, judging by the Carhart jackets and plaid shirts, are also hunters.

“Hey,” I say, lips curving into a smile.I haven’t seen him since the day after the djinn attack, and while I’ve gotten updates from Melinda on how he’s doing, I haven’t reached out as much as I should have.

Though to be fair, I’ve been kinda busy trying to keep the world from imploding.

“Callie,” he breathes, coming to a stop.One of the hunters he’s with slows, looking me up and downClick here to enter text..The baby attached to my chest throws him, but it won’t take long before he realizes who I am.

“Hey babe,” I joke and Easton laughs.

“If I never hear that again, it’ll be too soon.”He shakes his head and casts his eyes to Juliet.This is only the second time he’s seen her.A lot was said between us the last time we were together, and that awkwardness hangs heavy in the air, made only worse when Easton looks back into my eyes and doesn’t say a word.

“I know you,” the hunter next to Easton jeers.“You’re that Martin bitch.”


“Just call me a half-breed while you’re at it,” I sigh, rolling my eyes.

“Watch it,” Easton hisses, taking a step forward, putting himself between the hunter and myself.

“Of course you’re defending her,” the hunter huffs and elbows the other guy in their little group.“Can you believe this?”

The third hunter looks at Juliet for a moment then shakes his head.“I don’t know man.Last we heard she married a vampire.”

“It’s her, I’m telling you,” the first hunter jeers.

“And I’m right here,” I deadpan.“And yes.I’m Callie King.Martin was my maiden name.”I force a smile, resisting the urge to make a dig at the Martins since Abby is behind me.

“What’s going on?”Ricci asks, brown eyes open wide, unable to hid the bit of excitement on her face from watching drama unfold.

“Nothing,” Easton and I say at the same time.

“We’re leaving,” he presses, narrowing his eyes.

“You’re just going to let her go?”Hillbilly-Hunter’s mouth gaps.“After what she did to you?”

“She didn’t do—” Easton starts, looking annoyed, and is interrupted.

“She fucking blew up a house!”

“She’s still here,” I say, bringing a hand up to rest on Juliet’s back.“And it was just a few lights in a room.And maybe a window.”I tip my head, thinking back.“A big window, I’ll admit.”

“See, she’s fucking insane?”

“Okay, that’s enough.”Easton rounds on the hunter, motioning for us to go into the restaurant.The sounds of the busy Chicago street disappear as we step inside the French cafe.It’s definitely not a place I’d guess Easton and who I suspect are two members of the Order of the Mystic Realm to come to.

“Girl,” Ricci says as we get to the table, pulling out her chair and sinking down.“You’ve got to give me deets!Please tell me you were banging that good-looking man.Mmmm.You can just tell he knows what he’s doing.”

“We dated,” I tell her, blinking and getting a flash from years ago.Dated is an understatement.There was a time when I was head over heels in love with Easton.When I thought I had finally found someone who saw me, the real me, and loved me back just as much.
