Page 28 of King of Night

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“Ya think?And really, you have like ten seconds to convince me not to burn your demonic soul to ash.”

“I really am on your side.”

“You’re going to have to go into more detail than that,” I say and raise my right hand, conjuring an energy ball.It’s a perfect sphere of white light like usual, but hellfire burns inside of it.

“I want to stop Paimon too.I don’t want him to rule.”

My eyes narrow as I look at her, not trusting a damn thing she’s saying.“If you tell me you want to join forces because you actually like the world and don’t want to see it go to shit, I will take this energy ball and shove it so far up your ass your demonic soul will melt out of your eye sockets.”

Her face falters for just a millisecond, but them she smiles.“Ass-play.I like it.And no.I don’t care what happens to this realm.I don’t want to be Paimon’s bitch.I guess you can say I’m a do-whatever-the-fuck-I-want kinda demon.”

I cock an eyebrow and curl my fingers ever so slightly, letting energy crackle above my palm.“You still haven’t given me a reason not to smite you right now.”

“I mean, the fact that we’re in a crowded restaurant should be reason enough.You wouldn’t dare.”She takes a step closer, blinking and letting her eyes ink over again.

The energy buzzing around my hand sparks with hellfire.“Try me.”

“Yes!”She claps her hands together.“That is the Queen of Hell energy I was hoping for.You do not disappoint.”

“I really think something is wrong with you.Did you hit your head on your way out of Hell?”

“No,” she says and snorts as she laughs again.“And look, I’m not the only one who wants to stop Paimon.For the same reason.”

“So you can be free demons,” I say slowly, blinking a few times.This is really happening, right?Easton and I were just talking about the djinn…this feels like an alternative reality right now.

“Yes!So glad you get it.I knew we would be friends.I mean, it might take you a day or two until you’re ready to talk about boys as we brush each other’s hair and have pillow fights or whatever, but we are going to be a dream team.”

“Oh fuck no.”

“Hey, you need me.”

“No I don’t,” I counter.

“Really?Have you defeated Paimon yet?Do you have a plan?”

Fuck.Does the crazy demon have a point?Curling my fingers into fist, put out the energy ball before someone can see it.“I’m not working with a demon.You’re possessing an innocent person right now and we both know what that does to her body.”

She rolls her eyes and heavily signs.“I knew you’d say that.Okay, how about this?I show up in a cruelty-free body and we talk in let’s say an hour at the bar your vampire husband owns?”

“How do you—”

“You’re like our favorite reality show.”

“What?”I say even though I heard her clearly.

“I mean, it’s not like you’re a Netflix Top Ten or anything, but we get glimpses and you’re life—” She puts her fingers to her mouth, and makes a kissing motion.“So interesting.”

We always assumed the demons were able to watch somewhere, whether through astral projection or some sort of one-way mirror type of deal.I could get answers if this demon—no fucking way.This.Demon.I will never trust a fucking demon.

“Look, I’m risking my biscuit here just talking to you.We both know that.You really could conjure and shove a Lightsaber up my ass and burn me from the inside.Yet I’m here because we share are common enemy and we both want the same thing.”

“Paimon’s lifeless body rotting at the bottom of a sewer?”

“Emphasis on the lifeless part.So what do you say?”She holds out her hand.“Do we have a deal?”


Now it’s my turn to let out a snort of laughter.“I am not making a deal with a demon.”
