Page 33 of King of Night

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“In here.”I sweep my hand out to the office.“Guarded by you and Eamon.Eliza will have Juliet at Abby’s house since I just reinforced the wardings.And if she tries anything funny, well…” I hold up both hands, summoning hellfire in one and an energy ball in the other.“Between the both of us, I think we can handle a third hierarchy demon.”

“Back when you were a new vampire,” Eamon starts, sinking down onto the couch.He leans back, looking slightly amused.“I made it a point to stress to you that we stay away from magic.I didn’t think I’d have to specify demons.”

Lucas just shrugs and I can see the annoyance on Eliza’s face.Neither of us know the true details of Eamon and Lucas’s relationship.He claimed to be friends with one of Eamon’s siblings, and while I do think that’s true, it’s obvious there is more history between Lucas and Eamon than he’s let on.

Closing my fits, I put out the energy ball and the hellfire.Lucas is doing a better job ignoring Eamon than I am, and I know all three vampires in the room can hear my heart skip a beat.

“Between Paimon, Uriel, the Horseman and now Osiris…something needs to be removed from that list.”

“Maybe you should ask Osiris for help.”Lucas looks me dead in the eye.To anyone else, it could be heard as a legit suggestion.But I know he’s saying it to take a dig at me.

“I think he’s the least of our worries,” I start and then regret saying it.

“Interesting you say that, though now that I think about how eager you are to trust the God of the Underworld, it makes sense that you’d be willing to trust a fucking demon.”A low growl escapes from deep inside his chest startling Juliet.

“Lucas,” I start.

“Save it,” he says and silence fills the room.“I will make sure the cells in the basement are secure.”

“I’ll come with,” Eliza says, following him out of the room.

“Oh, fuck,” I sigh, putting my head in my hands.

“You seem to have a knack for pissing the people who care about you off,” Eamon says.

“Oh, really?”I roll my eyes and him and rub my thumb over my fingers, absentmindedly conjuring strings of magic.Astral projecting to talk to the demon has its advantages, though it also leaves my body free for the taking.I know from past experiences that a demon can’t possess me for long.But it could be long enough to do some damage.

This wouldn’t be an issue if Lucifer kept his ass on the fucking throne.I want to blame him entirely but the circumstances seem unfair.He was sent to rule as a punishment and was never qualified for the job, so to speak.

Eamon crosses his arms and shifts his gaze to me.I look up after feeling him looking at me for a long moment.

“What?”I ask.

“You’re acting rather reckless, I must say.”

“Maybe, or maybe I’ve been not reckless enough and if I embraced my full power, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“I might have stepped into a completely different situation that I anticipated,” he starts.“But this isn’t something I haven’t seen before.”

“You’ve met another nephilim who married a vampire who was then cursed with humanity by a necromancer which enabled him to knock me up so now we have a half nephilim-half human baby that demons want to use to rule Hell but also my husband volunteered as tribute and is a Horse man of the fucking Apocalypse who’s basically out on a field trip right now with ato be determinedend time?”

“Okay, fine.The similar situations I’ve seen haven’t been this…dramatic, however, they do have one thing in common.”

“And what’s that?”

“Power.Don’t forget I’ve seen that fire crown around your head but more importantly, I’ve seen how much you like wearing it.”

I shake my head, trying to convince myself more than him I don’t like itthatmuch.

“But that’s not your issue.”Eamon pushes his hair back, tipping his head as he looks at me.“One way or another, you will the Queen of Darkness.The question is, who will be the King?”


“Lucas, of course,” I answer without missing a beat.“I don’t want anyone else.”

“It’s not about who you want,” Eamon goes on.“Not when it comes to a perfectly matched pair to rule.”

“Lucas matches me well.”
