Page 35 of King of Night

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“We both know humans fear what they don’t understand.Still, I don’t see how showing them who’s boss will change anything.”

“You’re okay hiding in the shadows?”

“It’s just not something I can think about right now,” I say, shaking my head.Witchescoming out of the broom closetwas a big point of contention when vampires came out.I attended a few coven gatherings before Kristy and I both agreed we’d rather stay hidden.Not because we didn’t think e were good enough or less than, but we know how sought after we’d be if nons knew what we could do.

And it wouldn’t always be in a “burn you at the stake” sort of way.Humans are lazy and like instant gratification.If nons found out that we had spells to fast track pretty much anything, they’d be all over us.Even witches and warlocks fall victim to spells that backfire.Everything has a cost, and magic is no exception.

“I get a certain satisfaction just knowing I am better than everyone else,” I say without really thinking.“I mean have more of an advantage.”

“No, you meant you’re better.”

“I’m really not,” I insist.“I have power, but that doesn’t make me better or worse than anyone.Human or witch or werewolf or vampire, we can all do horrible things with what we have.”

“I highly disagree.”He draws his fangs and inhales as if he’s taking in my scent.“You are advanced in many, many ways.Which makes me curious about something else.”

“What’s that?”I ask and slowly curl my fingers in toward my palm, feeling like I’m looking into the eyes of a dog who’s about ready to attack.

“If you’d retain your divine powers if you were turned into a vampire.”


Lucas moves so fast he’s just a blur.It only takes seconds for him to have Eamon pinned up against the office wall.

“Touch her and die,” he snarls, gnashing his fangs in Eamon’s face.

“I’m older than you,” Eamon hisses, trying to push Lucas away.He’s struggling, though it wouldn’t take much for him to physically overpower Lucas.Maybe?Maybe not.Vampires’ strength increases with age, and Eamon has at least five hundred years on Lucas.

“But you’re outnumbered,” Eliza quips, zooming into the room.She puts Juliet in my arms and stands next to Lucas, baring her fangs as well.“And the witch is fucking insane.I wouldn’t mess with her.Actually,” she starts and looks over her shoulder at me.“I would kind of like to see you try—again.Maybe you don’t remember what happened last time you got a little handsy around us.”

“I’m not going to touch her,” Eamon growls and retracts his fangs.“She much more valuable alive than dead and I’ve grown a little fond of your messed up family of four.”

Lucas doesn’t let go and instead pushes Eamon harder into the wall, cracking the plaster behind him.“Touch her, and I will rip out your fangs first followed by every other tooth in your fucking head.Then I will cut your fingers off one by fucking one and feed them to you.”

“Would they grow back?”I ask casually while looking down at my baby.She’s wide awake, no doubt able to sense the tension in the air.

“She doesn’t know,” Lucas goes on.“We could say this is testing a theory as well.”

“I’m not going to touch her,” Eamon repeats.“Or harm her in anyway.Or let or encourage anyone else to harm her,” he adds.

“Lucas,” I say, glancing up at the clock on the wall.The bar opens in less than an hour.If Drea was telling the truth, she will be here soon.And I’ll have no idea what body she’s possessing.We need to be ready.She’s not as powerful as Paimon, but she can definitely still fuck shit up.

More than Eamon can.

God, I need boring friends.

“He’s not worth it.Not now.”I look down at my daughter, unable to keep Eamon’s words out of my head.But instead of agreeing with him, it drives the exact opposite point home.There are more humans than supernaturals, and while we definitely do have the power that could take them out, we need them to continue to live as a society.

Enslaving humanity or even making them be the “lesser class” would disrupt everything.And some things need to be disrupted that’s for fucking sure.Hell, humans don’t even treat other humans equally and the wage gap is just as much a witch issue as it is a werewolf issue and a human issue.Witches historically have been better at magic than warlocks, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have our own issues inside the coven.It’s too complicated for me to get into and while a solution is needed, it’s not something I’m remotely qualified to suggest.

But a war against the humans isn’t the answer.

Legally, Lucas doesn’t have as many rights as I do, but it never stopped him from doing what he wanted.I assumed most vampires lived that way.They had to before, anyway.Comparing him to me isn’t exactly fair, but next to…let’s say…Abby’s husband, Phil.They look to be around the same age, Phil and Abby are both doctors so they’re very well off financially.It pains me to say it, but they’re well connected with Abby being a Martin.

Now, to be fair, not all vampires are as savvy as Lucas when it comes to investing and buying and selling property.And there aren’t many vampires left that are older than a thousand, giving Lucas another advantage.But without people, without humans, Lucas wouldn’t be in the position he’s in.He’s made a lot of money because of humans.Without them, our lives would be totally different.

“I’m going to agree with her,” Eamon says as a little bit of worry takes over his face.He’s not stupid, I’ll give him that.I have no idea if there’s any chance in changing his mind about this whole supernatural war, though now becoming aware that there is already a war raging againstallearth would be as good of a reason as any.

“I’ll deal with you later,” Lucas jeers and gives Eamon one more good shove into the wall, pushing his hand so hard on his chest I hear bones snapping.Gross.At least give a girl some warning next time.With a grunt, he steps back and Eamon slowly takes in air, puffing out his chest as the bones instantly heal.
